I found a journal I started writing in 2000, it was a very tough time for me at that time. Reading it and all the memory's of that time came rushing back to me. Tears filled my eyes, and the feelings, or memory of it was there, but the pain wasn't. That old saying" forgive and forget", you should forgive, but you never forget! Forgetting would never give place to be a testimony, and give God the Praise and Glory! The amazing thing that happens with God is you just don't remember with the same pain, it's healed, PRAISE GOD! That is of course if you let God heal you, and move on! I was reading it and then looking at my life now, truly a work of God. Sometimes in life things happen to us but that doesn't mean we are out of the race! We have to trust Him in all things, reading those pages I didn't know from one day to the next what was going to happen. I just knew I had to trust God every step of the way, almost 15 years later he has truly been faithful to me! We can read stories in the bible and sometimes think of it as just a story, but they were real people, real events that happened! They had to trust God the same way we have to today! Here is an example from the book of Daniel about the 3 Hebrews thrown into the fiery furnace. They bound them up with external garments to throw them in, but they were not bound on the inside. Inside they knew there God, they testified to the king in authority that they were not going to bow down to their god and worship them! Even though what was awaiting them, it didn't change their heart, their words and faith! Even if they had to die, they were going to serve God no matter what! I remember saying the same thing back then, all hell had come at me, and I said I will serve you my God no matter what! The furnace in my life was turned up, not by God, but by my adversary, I had the SON OF GOD with me as well in that furnace! That king thought that if the furnace was turned up seven times hotter, and those boy's were bound up tight, they would surely burn. Have you ever had the pressure so strong in a situation, that you felt you weren't going to make it?
That was not the case, when they looked they said didn't we just throw 3 men in the fire? Then the king said why do I see 4 men walking around, unharmed, and the 4th is like the Son of God? I love that story, do you ever feel like you are in that fiery furnace?
I know reading that journal this morning I was in it at that time! I can relate to these men here, now it wasn't a literal fire, but it was one that was meant to burn me up as well! Guess what it didn't, I'm here today to testify that I also had the SON OF GOD, walking with me as well! It says in the bible that the fire had no power, nor was an hair of their head singed, neither were their coats changed, nor the smell of fire passed on them.
I want to encourage anyone reading this to trust God no matter what comes your way, these men had Faith words, not even the government could dictate there future! Daniel 3:17- If it be so our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace , and he will deliver us out your hand.
So looking back I wrote and spoke words of trust on those pages, and I see that God did bring me out without the smell of smoke. It turned out good for those 3 Hebrew boys that day as well!
Faith is not presumption, faith is not hope, faith is not optimism , faith is our response to Gods way! Faith is our ability to go beyond the natural realm and believe and receive it! So it must feed on the impossible knowing you will come out, knowing God never leaves you, knowing he has plans for you and that he loves you so much!
Its His GRACE, not our ability to overcome, we need to let self go and all our self help books because the only thing that it does, is help self, and we don't need to help self! Those 3 Hebrews in that furnace knew self couldn't save them, and 15 years ago I knew I could't get me to where I am today, its His Amazing Grace and Love! Stay Strong in Him!
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