Monday, August 25, 2014

Are your wells stopped up?

Are your wells in life clogged, are you tired of trying to start new ones only to be disappointed again? Do you let others rob you of your joy? You may ask what do you mean by that? In a sense those wells are our faith, wells of faith to believe by, trust God by. Is your faith mingled with doubt, unbelief, only to be carried with words that speak doubt?  Well I will show you through a biblical story here! In the book of Genesis 26. Isaac was the Son of Abraham, the blessing was on his life like his father. Did that mean that opposition didn't come against him? No, he had circumstance just like we do today, and he didn't let them stop him from prospering in his life! If you read in that book of Genesis 26 Isaac had encountered a famine, it was a bad time for there was no crops, which in our day would be a serious economic downturn!

That didn't stop Isaac from doing what the Lord told him, so he planted in that land and it says that he reaped a hundredfold because the Lord blessed him. It says that Isaac become very wealthy and it continued to grow, he had so many flocks and herds, and servants and the Philistines envied him. They envied him so much they stopped up the wells his father Abraham servants dug in his time, filling them with earth. They told him ( Isaac) get out from us you are to wealthy for us to look at! Wow, can you imagine the jealousy some people have towards others, rather than having the attitude I'm next! It is sad, this happens today in the church, we have to learn to be happy for others! 

So Isaac left and reopened the wells in the Valley of Gerar that had been stopped up after his father Abraham died. These Philistines were really out to stop this family! 

Isaac didn't quit, his servants dug in the valley and discovered  fresh water there, only to have them come at him with strife saying the water is ours! Do you every think"oh I have fresh water" everything is going so good this is it, only to have it come at you again? This happened a few more times, each time quarreling with him. This didn't stop Isaac, he knew God was with him and the blessing was working on his behalf. 

Do you feel like your wells are stopped up?Do you feel I can't do this again only to be stopped again?If you were to put it in our day today, we may not be literally digging up wells, but it is the same principal! DON'T GIVE UP! The end result was Isaac didn't stop, he moved on from those circumstances trusting God, and finally it says the quarreling stopped, they dug another well and God gave them room to flourish in the land they were in! 

So don't let others around you bring you into strife, quarreling, move on like Isaac he trusted God to bring him to a place to flourish. Trust God, even if it looks like a famine around you,keep planting!Gods increase will be on you to have  a mighty Harvest if you don't give up! 

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