Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Let us go over to the other side!

Those were Jesus words in Mark 4:35- "Let us go over to the other side". Jesus had been teaching all day at the sea side, then at the end of the day he said those words to his disciples. They left the crowd and  did as he asked! Its what happened that caught them off guard, a furious squall came up and the waves broke over the boat, so that it was nearly swamped. And the whole time Jesus was asleep on a cushion.

Have you ever had the Lord direct you to go somewhere," to the other side"? Then it just seems that a storm has hit your life, and you are being swamped with circumstances! Only to make you think, why did Jesus direct me to go this way?  Which leads you to "say", where are you Jesus, it seems like you are not there, it seems like you are sleeping through all this storm? We all have had that feeling at one time, we would be lying if we said we didn't feel that! The disciples were obviously feeling that same way!

They forgot who was with them in that boat, they forgot every word Jesus was teaching them prior to getting in that boat! Jesus had been teaching them in Mark 4, how Satan comes to choke the word with pressures and cares of the world., making it unfruitful. I have been caught up with that myself, the moment you get some report, maybe about a unsuspecting bill that came in the mail. It feels like a massive storm, and you react the wrong way, saying the wrong things, only then to ask the Lord to forgive you for you attitude. It could be an attack with your health. I had a really bad reaction where my whole face had swelled up. I really had to keep my self from not getting into fear. I really looked horrible, I didn't even want to look in the mirror. I did go to the doctors, but I had to stay positive and keep my thoughts and words on Him!

Do you know what all those reactions are related to? It is all fear based reactions. Its either FAITH OR FEAR! Jesus did not leave them or put them in harms way, no I think he wanted them to react with faith, and to speak to that situation themselves.They made natural choices instead of supernatural, "FEAR ENTERED THERE THINKING".

That feeling of fear will lie to you every time, and say your not going to make it, where is the money coming from to pay that bill. I thought this was your will for me Lord, I went to the other side and this is what happens! If you have got Jesus in your boat, and you are listening and obeying to his words, walking with him, then know this he will never leave you or forsake you! John 16:33- I have told you these things , so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. So whatever we face, he has overcome it, we should say " I REUSE TO FEAR".  We should Speak to the storms in our life, don't let those storms speak to you!

Today is no different than when the disciples walked the earth, we have to believe and posses what the Lord promised. We can't allow worry, fear, sickness, lack to be our LAND, OR GET INTO OUR BOAT! If you are a man or woman of FAITH, than we should not live by "sight" what the world dictates.  Faith is what pleases God, its easy to slip back into living in our touch, feel, see world. That is not faith, we don't get this way over night, but at some point we have to make that choice to possess the Land of living in Faith!

Proverbs 1:33- Whoever listens to me will live in safety, and be at ease without fear of harm.

Hold on to the promises in the bible there are so many, he love you!

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