Monday, April 21, 2014

We Start In Faith And We Finish In Faith !

Abraham is considered the father of faith, looking at "his start in faith" it all started in Genesis 12. The Lord said to him leave your country, your people, and go to the land I will show you. The Lord told him all the great things he had for him .God started.telling him all the peoples on earth will be blessed through him. That's where it all started for Abraham!

At that time Abraham was 75 years old. I'm sure he had mixed emotions about going. He had a family he was close to I'm sure. To just get up and  go to a land he didn't know anything about, and leave all behind that takes faith! He did go and he believed God ! The bible said he lived in tents, like a stranger, in a foreign country. God wanted to take him out his environment and immerse him in change on every level !

There is a reason he is called the father of faith, he believed God and he had precious faith, not just faith but precious faith! He believed God on so many accounts in the bible, and his faith was also accompanied with action! Faith without action is dead faith! James 2:17. His faith and actions were working together, and his faith was made complete by what he did. The bible says that because of that he was called a A Friend of God ! Wow, I love that, what a loving God, so personable to us!

We are to feed our faith just as we feed our bodies for sustenance, the word says faith comes by hearing and hearing the anointed word of God. Romans 10;17. Faith has to be developed but not just by hearing alone, we must be doer's of the word just as Abraham was. There will come a time for all who walk this walk of faith to exercise our faith, its different for everyone. This will require us to put complete trust in God , and to use this precious faith that  we have! I like to believe that he can count on me like he did Abraham. He is and was an example for us for  a reason, he is mentioned a number of times in New Testament for as an example so that alone is important. He simply believed God and did what God wanted him to do.

Where he started was so different than where he ended up. He would not of been ready for all of what God had for him at the start of his faith walk. It is the same for us today we can't see everything God has for us, but we must trust God the way Abraham did which lead to greater things! God is so loving to us and wants the best for us, so anything He doe's ask of us is only to increase us,  and bless us.

I know where I was years ago is not the same place today, step by step  he leads us, takes us to broader places to grow and  flourish in Him. We walk by faith , we stand by faith , we receive by faith, we forgive by faith, we pray by faith, we fight the good fight of faith , its impossible to please God without faith. 

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