Tuesday, April 29, 2014

One Thought can change everything !

I have heard so many messages on the prodigal son over the years, but until I had a revelation on this parable of the Father's love it didn't mean as much. Luke 15:11-Then he said, "There was once a man who had two sons. The younger said to his father, Father, I want right now what's coming to me."So the father divided the property between them. It wasn't long before the younger son packed his bags and left for a distant country. There, undisciplined and dissipated , he wasted everything he had. After he had gone through all his money, there was a bad famine all through that country and he began to hurt. He signed on with a citizen there who assigned him to his fields to slop the pigs. He was so hungry he would have eaten the corncobs in the pig slop, but no one would give him any . "That brought him to his senses! It begins right here "One thought inspired from God can change everything from eating with the pigs to seeing what our Father has prepared for us. It can change your posture to rise to a new level, a different thought rescued you , delivered you!

We all have different walks in life, some struggle more with life and its challenges that come there  way. It may be hard to ever think that a God would ever forgive them because of the things they have done. They would not even think of God as a father because of there earthly father who wasn't even around let alone nice to them. So what happens is they continue to eat with the pigs and stay on the outside of the Father's Love. This does not have to be at all!

The scripture does say he went home and he went with a different posture, the son showed up with no excuses, he knew he sinned, excuses are preparation to do it again! He had come to a revelation of what he did and he repented which is evidence to change!

A prayer associated with a renewed mind will equal success in life always! When we change our thinking and become kingdom of God minded we become partakers of His Kingdom, healing and deliverance will be there.

The heart the soul the mind are to be completely involved in this relationship with Jesus, the connection must be synced ! . PROVERBS 23:7- for as a man thinks in his heart so is he!.COLOSSIANS- 3:1-2 -If you are risen with Christ seek those things which are above, where Christ sits on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above not on things on the earth.

Christianity is not just spiritual , but spiritual intelligence to change and renew the mind in order to have true success and be skillful in the use of the word.When you are skilled in the word you are ready for anything!

Life doesn't happen to you, life happens from you! It's what's in us that control's us, not what's around us!
A renewed man or woman of God can be in the worst of conditions and still be on top! Why because of Jesus !!Matthew 12:35- A good man out of the good treasure of the heart brings fourth good things;and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil things.

So this son left with no understanding of what was his to begin with, he had everything going for him, but left in his own foolish thinking! It was in his heart to do it his way, not the fathers way. In the end though he saw and he knew what he did, and the Fathers love received him back with a big party!!

We have the choice just as this son to stay, or go in our own thinking which doesn't get us very far! Thank God for His Amazing love and that he does welcome us back when we stray and get off track!

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