It all started with words, right in the beginning God created with
words, He "said" and it happened. I believe he could have done it
some other way, He is God, He could have waved his arm and it could have all
happened. So there it is, "words" are a big part of us, and words do
matter. Regardless what some think, it
does matter what you say. I believe words, specifically God’s words, are our
seed for success in the Christian walk.
Seeds are not just little things you plant in the ground, or a
seed from a piece of fruit, believe it or not words are forms of seeds. It goes
as far back as Adam and Eve. God gave them a home in the garden of Eden and to be
“responsible", and keep things in order, He commanded them which trees
they could eat from and enjoy this place he so lovingly provided for them. It
was taken from them by their own choice; a seed thought was planted in them
from the serpent that was in the garden that day with them. That seed thought turned into words. Genesis 3- It does not say how long it took for that seed to take root, it
could have been weeks or months, but my belief is it didn't happen overnight.
Think about times in your own life that someone spoke words to
you, good or bad, over and over, and before you knew it you started to believe them.
We can all relate to it, we are all human, words are powerful. The bible talks about words and the power
they have. The master himself said this in the book of - Matthew 12:37- THE
far from this in our society" words" have no meaning any more, especially
to the person speaking the words.
I remember when this revelation changed my life for the better. I
saw it through the hearing and reading of the word many years ago now. I
purposed in my heart to start changing my words and to guard my mouth. It did
not happen overnight and it’s still a work in progress to this day,
but with the help of Holy Spirit I am doing it. If God has said to do something in His word then
he certainly equips us through Holy Spirit and the revelation of the word
working in our lives to accomplish this. He would be unjust and violate his own word if
He didn't.
The way I learned about spiritual laws and natural laws were an
eye opener for me. When you break a law
in the natural you are responsible to pay the consequences. You may go to jail,
pay a ticket or something greater, but you have to pay. So it is with spiritual
laws, they are set in motion by God and cannot be broken. So I'm saying this to
say - if the master said it in the bible then we need to pay more careful
attention to our words and not just ignore this spiritual law, but ask yourself
maybe I need to be taught in this area, especially if what you are doing now is
not working for you.
So one might say, oh come on now, how are we to do this when all
my life I have just said certain things, words I have said from my youth. You
are right, we can't do it on our own, but as a born again child of God we can
do all things with His help. Words will produce the way you feel, the way you
think, the decisions you make, your actions, habits and it will produce your
character. It’s a battle of word seeds. We
have to look at what Jesus said in the word and line up our words with what he
said for there is no other way to see change.
I think a good place to start is looking into the book of Mark 4. There is so much contained in that whole
chapter, you have to meditate and break it down when you read it. You have to see what Jesus said in that
chapter pertaining to the seed!
The first thing he said was if you don't understand this parable
you won't understand any other parable. Right there says enough to get you to
"stop" and ask, “Why would he say that? It must be really important , I missed it for
years, until it became life to me. I started to see things in that chapter that
really became life to me and made perfect sense to my spiritual man. He is talking about seed, the word is the
seed. It’s like a farmer with bag of
seeds. If you think of it that way it makes
sense in terms of how it works. It says later in the chapter how a farmer sows
the word, well think of it as - we are the farmer and when we "speak words" to
ourselves, or to others, our words are seeds.
Our heart is the soil and when those seed words fall on our heart the
law of progression is put into motion.
Sometimes the "word seed" sown in your heart won`t produce a
harvest. There are many reasons here shown in this chapter why the seed didn't
First, Satan came and stole what was sown in the heart. They were
good words spoken into the heart and he came to take away any good that comes
from the word. That's what he does!!
The soil is our heart, so if our heart condition is not right then
like bad soil in a garden, the word will not take root. When trouble or
persecution comes because of the word, you can quickly fall away. If you think
of a farmer, what does he do first? He tills the soil and gets the ground ready
to plant the seed. So likewise with our heart, in order to get a good harvest
of 30, 60 or 100 times what was sown, the soil of the heart has to be right,
your believing has to be right. You have
to have faith in the word that it works!
So when your heart is right then you can understand the "words of
the Master". Seed words are given to us to understand and ignite our spirit.
Jesus goes on and talks about having ears to hear, hearing goes hand in hand
with speaking. The laws of God work this way. He said consider carefully what
you "hear". This is another place to stop and consider why Jesus said
this. He said in verse 24- "with the measure you use, it will be measured
to you” and even more. So think about that. If you are only using a teaspoon
full, then that's what will be measured back to you. Right there, there is
another law at work, if we put it to work, the law of progression. Whoever has
will be given more; whoever does not have, even what he does have will be taken
from him. One might say, what kind of God is this this doesn't sound fair. It’s
those laws "you" set in motion, good or bad, that will determine what kind of harvest you have in life.
That is just the way God has ordained it!
Like Adam and Eve in the garden, seed thoughts were put in motion
and when they acted on them, spiritual laws were put into motion. The measure
they let get into their "words", their "thoughts” and their
"heart" was measured back to them. That's why it’s so important to
have a working revelation of Mark 4 in our lives. As Jesus said, if you don't
get this parable, how can you understand any other book or parable in the Bible. Everything starts with the "seed!
If you want the law of Increase working in your life, this
must be a working revelation in your life.
A good place to start is in Mark 4:26 "Growing Seed". Again, it’s a "farmer" (that's you
and me) taking the seed and planting it, just as a farmer does, on good ground. That good ground is your heart and you leave
it in there. You go about your life, you
go to bed, you get up, but you don't ever dig up the seed you planted. By that I mean you don't say things that are
going to cause that seed to not take root. If you do speak negative quickly
change your words. We all fail now and again but GOD is for us, He is not
against us. That word we speak goes into action just as a seed in the natural does;
it truly is a wonder of God. Once you leave it and your words line up with His
words, then the miracle happens - VERSE 28- all by itself the soil produces the
grain- first the stalk, then the head, then the full kernel in the head. As
soon as the grain is ripe, he puts in the sickle to it, because the HARVEST is come!!
You can see the stages right here in that verse. If you are believing God for change or a miracle,
anything, then don't give up. There is the law of progression as you can see in
that verse this works! Otherwise Jesus wouldn't have used this type of
parable and likened it to kingdom living! It’s just a matter of us believing it
and putting it into practice.
You can have a seed as small a mustard seed, and that's pretty
small, and yet when planted it becomes the largest of all garden plants. That’s pretty amazing!! So it is with our
words. When we speak faith-filled words, those words can produce these kind of
results, I didn't make this up as you can see, these are the Masters
I wanted to start this blog because of what God has shown me in my
journeys of being a Christian and the truths of His Word that have become life
to me, I do try to live by these truths and I have seen the power of them work
in my own life!!
excellent article!! If people would understand this truth their lives would be different!