We do receive the blessing when we make Jesus Lord of our life, but like I said we must believe that, receive it, and take it! The Jewish people would know about this blessing, and I believe that's why many of the Jewish people are walking in it, its very evident! I had heard a teaching and learned a few things about the Jewish people in Israel. They have the highest entrepreneurship in the world! It is highest among woman at the age of 55. A scripture to stand on for that is the Proverbs 31 woman, read it its amazing! I also found out while Jews are approximately 0.25% of the world"s population, Jews make up approximately 22% of all Nobel Prize laureates worldwide. They invented the Flash drive, the Cell Phone, the Voice mail, Instant messenger. The smallest video camera in the world which goes down into the body,the "Pillcam" a good noninvasive screening test for people who have acid reflux it takes pictures of the inside of you, amazing! It is used all over the world! They also developed the Vaccine against West Nile Virus. That is just a few I listed, I did not know myself about any of this, but I did some reading on them and I was really impressed! Its the Blessing working in their lives, the same blessing today! Blessing says it all, and it covers all ! The bible is proof that it worked then, as it does today!
Wherever we are, we are Blessed, In whatever we do we are Blessed, In whatever we have we are Blessed, and wherever we go we are Blessed!
We just need to renew our minds to this and walk in it, its ours! Galatians 3:14- He redeemed us in order that the BLESSING OF ABRAHAM might come to the Gentiles through CHRIST JESUS, so that by faith we might receive the promise of the Spirit. Abraham walked in the Blessing, the bible said in Genesis 13:1-2 So Abram went up out of Egypt, he and his wife and all that he had, and Lot with him, into the South country of Judah, the Negev. Now Abram was extremely rich in livestock and in silver and in gold.
That blessing is for us you can read it right in that scripture I'm not making it up, I believe whatever we put our hand to its blessed when we make Jesus Lord of our Life. Like Abraham we are blessed through our Lord Jesus!
That Blessing covers everything so if your children have been away from walking with the Lord, start declaring that they are BLESSED, they are in the Blessing!
In Deuteronomy 28 it refers to your basket being blessed, that basket is what holds the reserve, the surplus, the increase,the overflow. If you remember that parable in Matthew 14:19 - Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves.They all ate and were satisfied and the disciples picked up 12 BASKETFULL OF BROKEN PIECES THAT WERE LEFT OVER. The number of those that ate was about five thousand men, besides women and children.
That was the same blessing working then, and it can work today, we just have to meditate and believe it can happen. They were in "need" that day and out of five loaves and 2 fish, look how many people were feed. The basket was overflowing with more than what they started with. Jesus operated in the Blessing that day. Some might say well that was JESUS, yes it was JESUS, and we have Holy Spirit living in us to be able to get same results!
In that same chapter of Deuteronomy 28 it refers to kneading trough,its what is daily consumed " DAILY BREAD" MATTHEW 6:11- Give us today our daily bread.
Then in our going in and going out we will be blessed,again in that same chapter, " in ever journey we ever make going and coming" we have that blessing protecting us.Psalm 121:8- The Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.
I will stop here, there is so much more to say, I just hope it blesses you and encourages you to see what a loving God has provided for us to walk in! He loves us and we must never forget Him in all our affairs of life!
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