Tuesday, July 15, 2014

The fields are Ripe, now go in and take it!

We should not want to be like the Old Testament saints who never went into the promised land! They didn't go in because they didn't believe God to lay hold of it, to take what God promised and prepared for them! They wandered 40 years in the dessert, God wanted them to have it, but they missed it! So the next generation went in, with Joshua! The enemy was camped there but that didn't stop them, they marched in and said "God said it was ours so we are taking it, laying hold of it NOW"!

 Well guess what we need to do the same thing! The fields are ripe for us to take it! Jesus has already paid for it, now go and lay hold of this eternal life!  


So when it says fight, that would mean there is something to contend for. Take hold of would mean we have a part, and that means we have to TAKE IT! Christianity is not for the passive! As long as you put up with all the "Just making it" all the "Barley getting by" then that's what you will have! We need to get serious and and say no more! Go into the fields and take it, its ripe for the picking, put your sickle of faith and take what you need, if its healing take it, if it fiances take it, if its relationships restored take it, if its peace take it! Find scriptures on anyone of these and meditate and speak it and go into the fields and say it's mine!

Eternal life is us taking hold of it now, read that scripture again, we take it! It's much more than being alive or breathing. Its talking about spiritual life manifested in so many ways! We have to have things in the natural because we are here on this earth, but its from spiritual source! God is our source, and he paid for it, now take it, be aggressive stand on your covenant promises! God would not of put those scriptures in their, like laying hold, take it, seize it, their is so many ways it translate's. That is our part! 

There is so much more on this topic, but I want to condense it to encourage you not to be passive about things that you are missing from this life! You you can walk in certain area's of your life in faith and not in other area's. Why?because we lack knowledge on them! We all have to be open to learn in area's, and keep learning each one of us. Isaiah 1:19- If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the best from the land. So we have to be willing first!

So we go in faith to take it, if you read throughout the old testament their are many stories how God provided for the saints then, but they had a part to do as well!

Judges 18:9-10- They said , Arise, let us go up against them, for we have seen the land , and behold, it is very fertile. And will you do nothing? Donot be slow to go and enter in and possess the land.When you go, you will come to people (feeling) safe and secure. The land is broad ( widely extended on all sides) ; and God has given it into your hands- a place where there is no want of anything that is in the earth.

NOW, I don;t know about you, that is old testament how much more for us today with Jesus," the New Covenant".

God's Hand is open to us, IT'S YOUR'S, We only experience what we TAKE, be encouraged to go in and get it! HE LOVES YOU !

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