Monday, July 21, 2014

The Blessing working in our life!

I wrote in my previous blog Are you good ground? I just want to continue on from there and build on that, good ground will result in the blessing manifesting! We say that word a lot, even in worldly terms I have heard it" Blessings, Blessed" do we really know what the real meaning is? It is a word that God used right from the beginning of time,  what God pronounced on Adam and Eve! It is a word opposite of the word "Curse"! The "BLESSING IS THE EMPOWERMENT TO PROSPER" to prosper in every area of life, health, family, financially, sound mind, anything! The "CURSE" is to destroy , do away with, to terminate, inactive, lack, poverty, sickness, disease, everything that could go wrong goes wrong!

Adam and Eve were blessed in the garden, disobedience resulted in the curse to come into the earth. Thank God he had a plan and sent Jesus Christ to bring the blessing back for us to live under! Galatians 3:13-14.Christ purchased our freedom (redeeming us) from the curse (doom) of the law ( and its condemnation) by (Himself) becoming a curse for us, for it is written in the scriptures , cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree (is crucified. To the end that through their receiving Christ Jesus, the blessing promised to Abraham might come upon the Gentiles, so that we through faith (all) receive the realization of the promise of the Holy Spirit).

Its through Jesus that we can enter back into that "Garden" all the blessings are their for us to receive and live in them.The "Blessing Mentality" will change your life, it will change your thinking its the way God intended it to be! The curse came into the world through sin, the blessing came through Jesus to redeem us! He desires that "ALL MANKIND" receive Him, not just some but HE LOVES EVERYONE! It is up to us to "Believe it, Receive it, and Take it"!

We want to be good ground for this to manifest, so laying the right foundation is so important first being Hearers of the word, and applying it, and being doers of the word will result in "THE BLESSING" operating the way it should! We have blessed ears to hear the word and understand it, we just need to develop it! That has been promised to us in Matthew 13:16 -"But you have God blessed eyes-eyes that see! And God blessed ears-ears that hear! Its up to believe that take it and develop it. Its not just going to drop in your lap, we must be diligent to find out what is ours through all the promises in the bible!

Then we "MUST SPEAK" the blessing over our lives and don't "TALK THE CURSE" by that I mean don't say things like "Oh nothing goes right for me", "I cant do this, or do that" 'I'm always getting sick" I guess that disease runs in our family" "we will always be poor, never being able to afford this or that", you can see what I mean!

That is the first steps in changing our lives, find the promise in the bible and believe it for change in your life.

God said in the book of Deuteronomy 28 please go and read that whole chapter, its a chapter resulting in blessings that will overtake our lives when we walk and obey! We will see that come into its fullest meaning "THE EMPOWERMENT TO PROSPER" in all areas of your life.  You are blessed going in and coming out!

 We will still have to stand in our faith, it does't mean everything will just drop in your lap, but what it does do will change your attitude in the fight! You will know that The Blessing empowers you to rise above everything, and be a winner! He Loves you !

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