I have been meditating on the "Blessing" a lot and all that entails, as you can read from previous blogs I have written. I was doing my scripture reading in Genesis this morning about creation, the creation of man and woman! I was meditating on a few verses, and was so caught up with emotion when reading these particular scriptures!. Do any of us realize who we are created after, do we take the time to think about the Love that went into our creation? I think that's what ministered to me this morning! God breathed His divine DNA when He created us! Genesis 2:7- Then the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath or spirit of life, and man became a living being. The Hebrew commentaries put it this way" He became a living speaking spirit like God. That is not saying we are God, just in case some might be thinking I'm implying it as well. Think about when we have children they come out our likeness, our DNA, same concept!
As I was reading that and meditating on that scripture, something went off in me, the love of God towards mankind! He created us in His own image.Genesis 1:26- God said, Let Us ( Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) make mankind in Our image, after Our likeness, and let them have complete authority over the fish of the sea , the birds of the air, the tame beasts, and over all of the earth , and over everything that creeps upon the earth.
So all the love, and compassion, light, love, goodness, mercy was breathed into mankind when he created us! He saw the bigger plan for mankind, He knew the love that he for us was not going to be thrown away just because Adam and Eve sinned( disobeyed) in the Garden back then!" No" he had a love so strong for us that he had another plan to get us out of that mess. That plan was JESUS! He came for us to have eternal life! John 3:16
We are created in the image of God, God who is eternally sovereign and independent, man is and was dependent on God! We ALL NEED GOD! There is no breathe of life without God, he breathed it into us right from the beginning of time! I was once again touched with His love, His plan, His purpose, for us all, "mankind"! We are not created to just serve ourselves in all our desires and lusts here on this earth! God breathed his DNA into us, so that tells me what love He has for us!His love redeemed us from the sin that was started way back in the Garden of Eden! That Love put mankind back in fellowship with Him PERMANENTLY THROUGH JESUS! If that doesn't touch you, then your wood is wet! He created us to do a lot more than just exist from day to day, never knowing our purpose! I love this scripture it really just captures something I felt this morning, David wrote this Psalm thousands of years ago. His love for God was being conveyed through writing what he had in his heart, something that God wanted us to read thousands of years later, and that we could identify with David!
PSALM 8: 3- When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers,the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him? You made him but a little lower than God ( or heavenly beings) and You crowned him with glory and honor.
David must of been so caught up in this, so don't ever think you are worthless and put on this earth for no good reason, you have got the DNA of GOD OUR CREATOR. in you!
Adams first words he heard were BLESSED! Those words are still powerful today as they were then.They carry with them the same unchanging plan and purpose for HIS FAMILY! That is you and me mankind! HE LOVES YOU!
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