Thursday, July 31, 2014

Don't Give Up !

I'm not sure if you are familiar with the life of Joseph in the bible? I learned many years ago about Joseph and his endeavor in life no matter what came his way! He never had a victim mentality, which inspired me when I first heard his story! This is a short version!  He was only 17, and his father loved him very much because he was given to him at an old age! So his father made him a richly ornamented robe, this did not go over good with his brothers, they hated him!

At this young age Joseph had a 2 dreams, which God had given to him. He made the mistake of sharing them with his family. This dream was implying  that one day, Joseph would be in a position of authority,and reigning! His brothers took it the wrong way because of what they had towards Joseph, so they hated him all the more! They plotted to have him removed from the family, so  while they were out one day the brothers threw him into a cistern in the desert. Taking his robe off that his father had made him, they decided not to kill him, but sold him to some Ishmaelites. And Joseph's life changed! It changed on the outside because of circumstances, but it did not change what Joseph had on the inside of him, the dreams God had given him! THE BLESSING, was going to bring it to life! Joseph didn't give up!

I am really condensing this story, but through his life of rejection, betrayal, being imprisoned, accused of raping his masters wife, he never gave up! He knew his God, what God showed him, and he trusted him no matter what happened! Joseph had favor!. Genesis 39:2- The Lord was with Joseph and he prospered, and he lived in the house of his Egyptian master. When the master saw that Lord was with him and that the Lord gave him success in everything he did, Joseph found favor in his eyes and became his attendant. Potiphar put him in charge of his household, and he entrusted to his care everything he owned. From the time he put him in charge of his household and of all that he owned the Lord BLESSED the household of the Egyptian because of Joseph. THE BLESSING OF THE LORD WAS ON EVERYTHING Potiphar had, both in the house and in the field.

So no matter what happens in life we can still have results like Joseph, the attitude must be one of, don't give up, don't take on a victim mentality, keep believing  your dreams the Lord has placed in your heart! We must be obedient to God through the trials that come our way and keep praising God!

In the end Joseph was given authority and put in charge of Egypt, he was governor of the land, he was thirty years old when he entered the service of Pharaoh king of Egypt. In the end Joseph's family did end up coming to Egypt due to a famine in the land. They had no idea about his life and where he ended up, those dreams did come to pass in Josephs life, and it was to save the lives of many, that is why God raised Joseph up!

Joseph never gave up,he never allowed unforgiveness towards his family, he never did any wicked thing before his God! He trusted God all those years, and believed God was looking out for him.

The moral of the story for me is don't become a victim in life, always be happy for someone when they are blessed, rejoice with them, your next! Trust God if he has shown you something for your life, Joseph at the young age of 17 when given those dreams, had no idea he would of been governor one day! Don't let time get in the way, God has not forgotten you, and DON'T GIVE UP! He Loves you.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Increase Alert!

Yes I'm still talking about the "The Blessing" ! We all need to get this revelation in our lives, to know what is available to us! The empowerment to prosper in every area of our lives! Are you experiencing a famine in your life right now? Do you lack in many areas that you would like to see a change?Famine does not just resemble children with swollen bellies, where many have died. Christians are experiencing famine right here in Canada, America, and in other countries! I believe the famine is a lack of revelation as  to what is available to them. The meaning of famine is a drastic, wide reaching food shortage, severe hunger, starvation! Do you resemble that meaning? God wants you to know that the BLESSING will take care of any shortage you are experiencing!   Well listen up children of the most high God, that's you and me! Instead of FAMINE, THERE IS AN INCREASE ALERT!

Deuteronomy 28:9-14- The Lord will establish you as his holy people, as he promised you an oath, if you keep the commands of the Lord your God and walk in his ways. Then all the peoples on earth will see that you are called by the name of the Lord and they will stand in AWE of you. AND THE lord shall make you have a surplus of prosperity, through the fruit of your body, of your livestock, and of your ground, in the land which the Lord swore to your fathers to give you.The Lord shall open to you His good treasury, the heavens, to give the rain of your land in its season and to BLESS all the work of your hands;and you shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow. And the Lord shall make you the head, and not the tail;

It says in 1 Peter that we are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, holy nation, that we belong to God, to inherit all the benefits a child of the most high God has! The care he takes for us, the provision our God has for us, the protection we have in him! So know that there should be no famine at all in your life,

We must get this and then walk in this example to others in the world, so they can follow our example as we all follow Christ. This BLESSING will bring about the compassion, power and glory of God wherever we go to change the world for his Glory! The "word seed" will grow in each of us, to make disciples, and see the world understand the BLESSING!

If we feed on the worlds junk and not on the Word of God this transformation will not follow through the way God wanted it to! I will leave you with this TRUE STORY!

A town in Guatemala of 18,000 people called Almolonga, where 90% of the people had been born again. They had huge signs leading into town that read " JESUS IS LORD OF ALMOLONGA"!  A few years ago the area was an arid wasteland, but now , the crops are remarkable. An average of 40 trucks a day leave Almolonga, loaded down with tons of produce during any of their eight annual harvests. The camera crew that went in their brought back videos to verify it. They showed cabbages so big they wouldn't fit into a 5-gallon bucket, and carrots the size of your forearm. The farmers were driving Mercedes trucks. The last of the jails closed down in 1988. The towns people turned it into a chapel because they didn't need a jail anymore. A generation ago, there were only  four churches, now there are more than 23.

Jesus paid the price for us all and gave us this BLESSING to equip us to have results just like this story here!

That is what the" BLESSING "can do, and its up to us to get this revelation, not just information about the bible,start living it and believing it, and DRIVING that FAMINE out of our lives in every area! I will stop at this point and talk more in my later blogs to come! Always remember He Loves you start CONFESSING that the BLESSING IS WORKING IN YOUR LIFE TODAY!

Friday, July 25, 2014

So God Created Man In His Own Image!

I have been meditating on the "Blessing" a lot and all that entails, as you can read from previous blogs I have written. I was doing my scripture reading in Genesis this morning about creation, the creation of man and woman!  I was meditating on a few verses, and was so caught up with emotion when reading these particular scriptures!. Do any of us realize who we are created after, do we take the time to think about the Love that went into our creation? I think that's what ministered to me this morning! God breathed His divine DNA when He created us! Genesis 2:7- Then the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath or spirit of life, and man became a living being. The Hebrew commentaries put it this way" He became a living speaking spirit like God. That is not saying we are God, just in case some might be thinking I'm implying it as well. Think about when we have children they come out our likeness, our DNA, same concept!

As I was reading that and meditating on that scripture, something went off in me, the love of God towards mankind! He created us in His own image.Genesis 1:26- God said, Let Us ( Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) make mankind  in Our image, after Our likeness, and let them have complete authority over the fish of the sea , the birds of the air, the tame beasts, and over all of the earth , and over everything that creeps upon the earth.

So all the love, and compassion, light, love, goodness, mercy was breathed into mankind when he created us! He saw the bigger plan for mankind, He knew the love that he for us was not going to be thrown away just because Adam and Eve sinned( disobeyed) in the Garden back then!" No" he had a love so strong for us that he had another plan to get us out of that mess. That plan was JESUS! He came for us to have eternal life! John 3:16

We are created in the image of God, God who is eternally sovereign and independent, man is and was dependent on God! We ALL NEED GOD! There is no breathe of life without God, he breathed it into us right from the beginning of time!  I was once again touched with His love, His plan, His purpose, for us all, "mankind"! We are not created to just serve ourselves in all our desires and lusts here on this earth! God  breathed his DNA into us, so that tells me what love He has for us!His love redeemed us from the sin that was started way back in the Garden of Eden! That Love put mankind back in fellowship with Him PERMANENTLY THROUGH JESUS! If that doesn't touch you, then your wood is wet! He created us to do a lot more than just exist from day to day, never knowing our purpose! I love this scripture it really just captures something I felt this morning, David wrote this Psalm thousands of years ago. His love for God was being conveyed through writing what he had in his heart, something that God wanted us to read thousands of years later, and that we could identify with David!
PSALM 8: 3- When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers,the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him? You made him but a little lower than God ( or heavenly beings) and You crowned him with glory and honor.

David must of been so caught up in this, so don't ever think you are worthless and put on this earth for no good reason, you have got the DNA of GOD OUR CREATOR. in you!

Adams first words he heard were BLESSED! Those words are still powerful today as they were then.They carry with them the same unchanging plan and purpose for HIS FAMILY! That is you and me mankind! HE LOVES YOU!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

"The Blessing" will defeat all your Enemies to your Faith!

GENESIS1:27- So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. God "BLESSED"  them.This truth will never expire, there is not a expiry date on it, saying sorry its not available to drink from, or eat from His table any longer!. This is the word of God, it is His empowerment for us to live a life of victory, and drink and eat from His table, even in the midst of our enemies ! I can look in my bible and read scriptures that I marked with the date that the Lord ministered that verse to me. Things that He promised me, so I marked it with the "date" it hasn't expired, why?I believe it and trust God for it!I wrote something next to it, I see it has come to pass! Its in Deuteronomy 8:7- For the Lord your God is bringing you into a good land- a land with streams and pools of water, with springs flowing in the valleys and hills, a land with wheat and barley, vines and fig trees, pomegranates, olive oil and honey: a land where bread will not be scarce and you will lack nothing; a land where the rocks are iron and you can dig copper out of the hills. When you have eaten and are satisfied, praise the Lord your God for the good land he has given you. I marked that in 2002, with these words, "This is the land the Lord is bringing me into" at the time there was a lot of things going on in my life.He ministered it to me strongly, I read it not realizing it to be a "way of life" He had for me. I was just thinking I needed at the time to find a new place to live, but He had bigger plans, more than just a new rental at that time. It was a land to bring me into where I had not experienced before, He was teaching me the "THE BLESSING" . The Lord was teaching me to DEFEAT ALL THOSE ENEMIES, that I am talking about here today! So as I look back on that scripture,with that date there and 12 years later I see how it truly has come to pass! It is still going on of course you never arrive its always progressing, Praise God! I want to encourage once again with this topic of the "The Blessing" and how it will defeat all our ENEMIES TO YOUR FAITH!

In the book of Deuteronomy 28:7- The Lord will grant that the enemies who rise up against you will be DEFEATED before you. They will come at you from on direction but flee from you in seven. The number 7 is completion, total victory, perfection. Whatever way your enemies come  against you, they have to flee, they don't stand a chance, their defeated! They will come to you one way, but flee from you in seven!

We all have heard of David as a young boy killing that giant? He did that with the Blessing, he knew his covenant with God! He spoke to that giant what he was going to do in the name of Lord Almighty. He first said what he was going to do to him,THAT GIANT WAS HIS ENEMY, then David killed  that giant with one stone, and cut his head off! It's in 1SAMUEL 17:45-51.

The bible is full of stories just like that, giving victory over their enemies! So why would it be any different today? We just have to stop relying on other things other than God to try to overcome them!


Their are seven REDEMPTIVE names of God to completely cover these ENEMIES!

Defeat of Lack- JEHOVAH-JIREH - The Lord will Provide.
Defeat of Sickness - JEHOVAH -RAPHA - The Lord my healer- " I am the Lord that heals you"
Defeat of Failure - JEHOVAH - NISSI- The Lord my Victory!
Defeat of Worry- JEHOVAH -SHALOM - The Lord our Peace.
Defeat of Confusion - JEHOVAH -RA-AH - The Lord is my Shepard, He leads me guides me!
Defeat of Condemnation- JEHOVAH -TSIDKNEU- The Lord my Righteousness.
Defeat of Fear- JEHOVAH -SHAMMAH- The Lord is present-" I will never leave".

These enemies to our Faith come at us, but have to flee seven ways! Deuteronomy 28:7 
The BLESSING removes them because of JESUS, take this in your life! HE LOVES YOU!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

The Fullness of the Blessing !

I am being so blessed just reminding myself of this truth once again, "I'm being refreshed!" I hope whoever reads this you are as well, we must remember this truth in our lives. I feel to continue to write more of this truth! The Fullness of "THE BLESSING"! The Scriptures are in Deuteronomy 28 and Galatians 3:13-14,29. Those are my foundation scriptures for this truth!

We do receive the blessing when we make Jesus Lord of our life, but like I said we must believe that, receive it, and take it! The Jewish people would know about this blessing, and I believe that's why many of the Jewish people are walking in it, its very evident! I had heard a teaching and learned a few things about the Jewish people in Israel. They have the highest entrepreneurship in the world! It is highest among woman at the age of 55. A scripture to stand on for that is the Proverbs 31 woman, read it its amazing! I also found out while Jews are approximately 0.25% of the world"s population, Jews make up approximately 22% of all Nobel Prize laureates worldwide. They invented the Flash drive, the Cell Phone, the Voice mail, Instant messenger. The  smallest video camera in the world which goes down into the body,the "Pillcam" a good noninvasive screening test for people who have acid reflux it takes pictures of the inside of you, amazing! It is used all over the world! They also developed the Vaccine against West Nile Virus. That is just a few I listed, I did not know myself about any of this,  but I did some reading on them and I was really impressed! Its the Blessing working in their lives, the same blessing today! Blessing says it all, and it covers all ! The bible is proof that it worked then, as it does today!

Wherever we are, we are Blessed, In whatever we do we are Blessed, In whatever we have we are Blessed, and wherever we go we are Blessed!

We just need to renew our minds to this and walk in it, its ours! Galatians 3:14- He redeemed us in order that the BLESSING OF ABRAHAM might come to the Gentiles through CHRIST JESUS, so that by faith we might receive the promise of the Spirit. Abraham walked in the Blessing, the bible said in Genesis 13:1-2 So Abram went up out of Egypt, he and his wife and all that he had, and Lot with him, into the South country of Judah, the Negev. Now Abram was extremely rich in livestock and in silver and in gold.

That blessing is for us you can read it right in that scripture I'm not making it up, I believe whatever we put our hand to its blessed when we make Jesus Lord of  our Life. Like Abraham we are blessed through our Lord Jesus!
That Blessing covers everything so if your children have been away from walking with the Lord, start declaring that they are BLESSED, they are in the Blessing!

In Deuteronomy 28 it refers to your basket being blessed, that basket is what holds the reserve, the surplus, the increase,the overflow. If you remember that parable in Matthew 14:19 - Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves.They all ate and were satisfied and the disciples picked up 12 BASKETFULL OF BROKEN PIECES THAT WERE LEFT OVER. The number of those that ate was about five thousand men, besides women and children.

That was the same blessing working then, and it can work today, we just have to meditate and believe it can happen. They were in "need" that day and out of five loaves and 2 fish, look how many people were feed. The basket was overflowing with more than what they started with. Jesus operated in the Blessing that day. Some might say well that was JESUS, yes it was JESUS, and we have Holy Spirit living in us to be able to get same results!

In that same chapter of Deuteronomy 28 it refers to kneading trough,its what is daily consumed " DAILY BREAD" MATTHEW 6:11- Give us today our daily bread.
Then in our going in and going out we will be blessed,again in that same chapter, " in ever journey we ever make going and coming" we have that blessing protecting us.Psalm 121:8- The Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.

I will stop here, there is so much more to say, I just hope it blesses you and encourages you to see what a loving God has provided for us to walk in! He loves us and we must never forget Him in all our affairs of life!

Monday, July 21, 2014

The Blessing working in our life!

I wrote in my previous blog Are you good ground? I just want to continue on from there and build on that, good ground will result in the blessing manifesting! We say that word a lot, even in worldly terms I have heard it" Blessings, Blessed" do we really know what the real meaning is? It is a word that God used right from the beginning of time,  what God pronounced on Adam and Eve! It is a word opposite of the word "Curse"! The "BLESSING IS THE EMPOWERMENT TO PROSPER" to prosper in every area of life, health, family, financially, sound mind, anything! The "CURSE" is to destroy , do away with, to terminate, inactive, lack, poverty, sickness, disease, everything that could go wrong goes wrong!

Adam and Eve were blessed in the garden, disobedience resulted in the curse to come into the earth. Thank God he had a plan and sent Jesus Christ to bring the blessing back for us to live under! Galatians 3:13-14.Christ purchased our freedom (redeeming us) from the curse (doom) of the law ( and its condemnation) by (Himself) becoming a curse for us, for it is written in the scriptures , cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree (is crucified. To the end that through their receiving Christ Jesus, the blessing promised to Abraham might come upon the Gentiles, so that we through faith (all) receive the realization of the promise of the Holy Spirit).

Its through Jesus that we can enter back into that "Garden" all the blessings are their for us to receive and live in them.The "Blessing Mentality" will change your life, it will change your thinking its the way God intended it to be! The curse came into the world through sin, the blessing came through Jesus to redeem us! He desires that "ALL MANKIND" receive Him, not just some but HE LOVES EVERYONE! It is up to us to "Believe it, Receive it, and Take it"!

We want to be good ground for this to manifest, so laying the right foundation is so important first being Hearers of the word, and applying it, and being doers of the word will result in "THE BLESSING" operating the way it should! We have blessed ears to hear the word and understand it, we just need to develop it! That has been promised to us in Matthew 13:16 -"But you have God blessed eyes-eyes that see! And God blessed ears-ears that hear! Its up to believe that take it and develop it. Its not just going to drop in your lap, we must be diligent to find out what is ours through all the promises in the bible!

Then we "MUST SPEAK" the blessing over our lives and don't "TALK THE CURSE" by that I mean don't say things like "Oh nothing goes right for me", "I cant do this, or do that" 'I'm always getting sick" I guess that disease runs in our family" "we will always be poor, never being able to afford this or that", you can see what I mean!

That is the first steps in changing our lives, find the promise in the bible and believe it for change in your life.

God said in the book of Deuteronomy 28 please go and read that whole chapter, its a chapter resulting in blessings that will overtake our lives when we walk and obey! We will see that come into its fullest meaning "THE EMPOWERMENT TO PROSPER" in all areas of your life.  You are blessed going in and coming out!

 We will still have to stand in our faith, it does't mean everything will just drop in your lap, but what it does do will change your attitude in the fight! You will know that The Blessing empowers you to rise above everything, and be a winner! He Loves you !

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Are you good ground ?

I love gardening, I remember the first time I did a container of shade inpatients I used the wrong type of soil! I watched it everyday to see how my flowers were doing, and nothing, they "didn't grow". I remember looking at my neighbours planter box and they were getting so big and full! I happened to see her outside and I asked her why? It was the wrong soil, "what" I said, what do you mean?  Now that was like 20 years ago, I have learned a lot about different types of soil since then. I was using top soil, not container soil, big difference if you know anything about gardening!Even when you put seeds in the  ground it's important that  the conditions of the soil  have all the same principals as container gardening . In order to see things grow, everything has to be in your favor! Some ground is "clay or sandy ground".The sun, rain, even shady areas  are part of  that process to see a fruitful blooming garden. I just want to touch on this a bit, just enough hopefully to get you to understand the parallel of the natural and the spiritual how they work, same principal involved!

So what ground are you, and by that I mean in your heart? The bible in Mark 4 talks about the different types of ground. There is wayside ground where fowls came and devoured  up the seed. There is stony ground, where there was not much earth, the roots couldn't get down deep enough and so it got scorched by the sun, it withered away! Then their is thorny ground, where thorns grow and choked it, and it produced no fruit.Then this the one we want to all be GOOD GROUND, and it produced fruit that sprang up and increased!

Nobody would take the time, energy, and the money to start a garden with out doing the right process, getting the ground ready to take the seed.That would just be foolish," gardening" to get it started takes a lot of sweat, and time. I look back on all my gardens throughout the years and I did put a lot of sweat and time, so I know what that entails. The reward is so worth it, the feeling of seeing the fruit of your labor far out weighs the hard work! It worked because you had the right conditions to work with," GOOD GROUND" In the "SPIRITUAL" the ground is our "HEART" the seed is the word of God, so we need to make sure that we have our heart ready to receive the word. If we don't the word will fail to produce the way plants do in the natural.

In order for you to be good ground you have to HEAR, yes Hear the word and get understanding of it! If you don't then the seed that will fall on the ground of your heart will cause it not to produce. This heart first has to be born again like the bible says. Then your heart is ready for the seed (word)! The good soil will first HEAR THE WORD, ACCEPT THE WORD, AND PRODUCE A CROP- 30,60,100 times what was sown.

It is the "life in that seed" that the person who plants it, which causes the manifestation of the very thing they planted. There is life is God's word, the promise itself, the life God breathed into it gets into our heart and produces whatever you need! We must not be casual listeners, Jesus mentioned hear, hearing, hears, 14 times just in the 13th chapter of Luke. We are empowered to be hearers!

I'm going to stop hear, I could go on but this is the first process to see THINGS CHANGE FOR YOU, like a Gardener the ground conditions have to be right!

Don't leave planting up to God, its our job to plant, God will water it, and cause the SEED WORD to produce whatever you plant ! Always remember how much He Loves you !

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

The fields are Ripe, now go in and take it!

We should not want to be like the Old Testament saints who never went into the promised land! They didn't go in because they didn't believe God to lay hold of it, to take what God promised and prepared for them! They wandered 40 years in the dessert, God wanted them to have it, but they missed it! So the next generation went in, with Joshua! The enemy was camped there but that didn't stop them, they marched in and said "God said it was ours so we are taking it, laying hold of it NOW"!

 Well guess what we need to do the same thing! The fields are ripe for us to take it! Jesus has already paid for it, now go and lay hold of this eternal life!  


So when it says fight, that would mean there is something to contend for. Take hold of would mean we have a part, and that means we have to TAKE IT! Christianity is not for the passive! As long as you put up with all the "Just making it" all the "Barley getting by" then that's what you will have! We need to get serious and and say no more! Go into the fields and take it, its ripe for the picking, put your sickle of faith and take what you need, if its healing take it, if it fiances take it, if its relationships restored take it, if its peace take it! Find scriptures on anyone of these and meditate and speak it and go into the fields and say it's mine!

Eternal life is us taking hold of it now, read that scripture again, we take it! It's much more than being alive or breathing. Its talking about spiritual life manifested in so many ways! We have to have things in the natural because we are here on this earth, but its from spiritual source! God is our source, and he paid for it, now take it, be aggressive stand on your covenant promises! God would not of put those scriptures in their, like laying hold, take it, seize it, their is so many ways it translate's. That is our part! 

There is so much more on this topic, but I want to condense it to encourage you not to be passive about things that you are missing from this life! You you can walk in certain area's of your life in faith and not in other area's. Why?because we lack knowledge on them! We all have to be open to learn in area's, and keep learning each one of us. Isaiah 1:19- If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the best from the land. So we have to be willing first!

So we go in faith to take it, if you read throughout the old testament their are many stories how God provided for the saints then, but they had a part to do as well!

Judges 18:9-10- They said , Arise, let us go up against them, for we have seen the land , and behold, it is very fertile. And will you do nothing? Donot be slow to go and enter in and possess the land.When you go, you will come to people (feeling) safe and secure. The land is broad ( widely extended on all sides) ; and God has given it into your hands- a place where there is no want of anything that is in the earth.

NOW, I don;t know about you, that is old testament how much more for us today with Jesus," the New Covenant".

God's Hand is open to us, IT'S YOUR'S, We only experience what we TAKE, be encouraged to go in and get it! HE LOVES YOU !

Friday, July 11, 2014

Keep Praising Him Until The Midnight Hour!

Have you had seasons in your life where you felt like you didn't see any change in your circumstances? I'm sure we can all say we have! We must never give up "Praising the Lord" even in those seasons, the answer is on it's way! I believe once we learn to Worship and sing and chase Him even in our dreary Midnight hour, we will accomplish more than just having a sudden visitation from the Lord! When GOD heard the praise and worship from Paul and Silas an earthquake came, prisoner's were set free, chains fell off. We are not just singing for us but for other's as well !

Acts 16:25- About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God and the other prisoners were LISTENING to them. Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken.

The other prisoner's were captivated, hanging on every word they were" singing, praising and praying to God". Praise is so powerful, it caused the prison doors to fly open, and everyone's "CHAINS CAME LOOSE"! Paul and Silas didn't run out, they were so taken up in the Lord's presence they just continued! They knew that there circumstance's had no hold on them, it was all about the Lord! The man in charge woke up to this earthquake, thinking  that they escaped, he was all set to kill himself because of the repercussion's that he may of faced  for letting this happen!

Paul must had a word of knowledge, he shouted "don't harm yourself" we are all here! Then the jailer called for the lights, and saw that they were still there! He fell before their feet, what a change of heart this man had!
I'm sure he had heard them praising the Lord as well, the songs that were sung, the praise and worship they must of had! This jailer must of thought these men are in chains, had the chance to escape, and   may even be put to death and there "Singing"! He fell trembling before them!

So he said " What must I do to be saved"? Paul answered "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you and your household will be saved!" WOW" isn't that amazing, what comes about when we are" Praising God" in the worst of conditions!After all this took place they ministered the word to all the others in that place! The Jailer took them and cleaned up their wounds, and then his whole household was baptized! He brought them into his house and gave them a meal! It says that this man was filled with Joy because he had come to BELIEVE in God along with his whole family!

So even if it's approaching the  midnight hour for our breakthrough don't quit praising Him, or singing,  God will cause the earth to move, Door's will open where you thought it was impossible, and others around us can be loosed and  set free just as it was in Acts!

People watch our lives if they know we are people of faith, they watch how we react to things that would have a reason to complain or give up!

Paul knew what God wanted him to do, he walked in Joy, in peace, and did not let his circumstance take that away! He would rather be in God's Presence even if that was in prison! Their are many people who serve an actual sentence in prison, and when released are still in a prison when they come out. The prison is in their thinking, the chains that bind them, and the doors that are locked on the inside of their heart! There is power in praising our Lord Jesus! Isaiah 61:1- He sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners.

It may not be a actual prison for you or me, but some situations may as well be.Sometimes situations that can come our way may feel like we are in a" prison".We must learn to praise Him also in those times! The depth of our praise through those times will determine our outcome, that is a truth sometimes that we don't like to hear. I remember for myself a terrible season I went through, I wanted to give up, thank God for His Grace, it carried me through! I still had to make a decision to sing, to praise Him though! I remember going into my bedroom and shutting the door, I knew it was the only thing that was going to get me through this,  to praise and worship the Lord! I remember on many occasions coming out of there an hour later like I was a new person. I felt God's peace on me,the peace that passes all understanding. I can't explain it, my surrounding's were still there, things didn't change that moment, but I didn't let that effect me. His Grace His amazing Grace taught me the power of praising Him until the" MIDNIGHT HOUR" I knew that I knew, God was with me. It did get me through that time, and I came through. I don't wait till I have a midnight hour situation to praise Him, life is much better doing it in the good times, and trails!

We have the same Holy Spirit as Paul and Silas, so we can have the same effects as they did! True worshippers approach God based on the revelation of the finished work of Jesus in faith and based on the word of GOD! "Faith is REST" in what Jesus has done! We know how our outcome will turn out, WE WIN!


Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Let Jesus Fill your cup !

As I do every morning I love to start my day with the Lord, he is the only one that can fill it with anything good ! My prayer is that you will let Him fill your cup, don't depend on your loved ones to fill it, you can't find what you need from other's! It has to be Him, and only Him who  fills it! Sometimes we go to other's and expect them to give us what we need, like affirmation, approval, or even love. While we do need each other we can't get our cup filled with people, it has to be with Him!

Psalm 143:8- Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul.

This is a person who will never lack anything, they know where to go and get there cup filled!

I had this come to me this morning as I was getting my cup filled, I hope it blesses you !

You Fill my cup Lord and only you, for nothing else will do, let your unfailing love fill it till it runs over, let it wash away all my insecurities, all my inabilities to do what you have called me to do!
Let your love permeate me until I take it out to others and do what I myself thought I could never do!
Oh your unfailing love has smitten me so deep I will never be the same!
You have taken the blindness from the eye's of my heart and showed me what life is... life in Christ my hope my hope of Glory!
 Let Him fill your cup, until it runs over with His unfailing Love !

Colossians 2:10 " We are complete in Him"

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Precious Faith !

As believer's we have been given this Precious Faith, 2 Peter 1:1- To those who through the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ have received a faith as precious as ours. This Precious faith is given to us the moment we are born again! We just need to believe it, we already have everything in us to live this life in Christ Jesus! It's not a faith problem it's a knowledge problem, we don't get more faith through being more holy or doing more things! It was obtained through the righteousness of  God and our Savior Jesus! We just need to know what we already have and just learn to release it, and how it works! I am coming into this myself to a new level, this is why I am writing this, praise God ! I love how God takes you and builds on what you have learned , it becomes so much bigger to you ! Revelation without manifestation is a missed opportunity to the church if we don't grasp this !

We think others are chosen to have what we call "giant faith", and do all sorts of miracles! The truth of it is we have all been given " The Measure of Faith" and it is Precious Faith! We have the faith of Jesus in us, its not our faith it's God Faith! I don't know about you but that takes the pressure off to do or believe all things are possible in Him !

God does not have favorites! I settled that along time ago in my thinking other wise I would not be where  I am today! I know He loves us all the same, and He has given us all the same amount of His Faith when we are born again!  Romans 12:3- Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgement in accordance with "THE MEASURE OF FAITH GOD HAS GIVEN YOU".

So one might say"how do I get my faith to work then"? It's simple renew our minds to the word of God ! In our Spirit we have the faith to do all the things, we don't need more faith, we just need to learn to release it!
Its like someone who goes to school to study to be a doctor or a lawyer, that's in the natural they learn and retain all that knowledge. So when they graduate they have their minds renewed to the knowledge of what they studied for x amount of years,and are now confident to go and practice that knowledge! When we know the "Word of God" we can release this Precious Faith that's in us as believers! Think about it,"It was His faith to receive the GIFT OF SALVATION"! All we do is believe and receive it with "The measure of  His Faith imparted to us"! It just takes us learning to govern the laws of faith and to cooperate with them. We need to learn in order for it manifest, ignorance can be your worst enemy!

If 2 people were given the same amount of money, one had bought so many things, the other one had nothing to show for that amount of money, who's choice was it? It was there choice to not use that whole amount, so they received different results ! I want to use THE MEASURE OF FAITH and see big results in my life, so we must invest in this PRECIOUS FAITH ! So the next time you feel inadequate to pray for someone and say I don't have the faith to do that, know its the faith of God not "your faith" getting results!

We need to come as little children to him!

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Don't let your mountain talk to you !

How many let there mountains talk to them? Mark 11:22-23- Have faith in God, I tell you the truth , if anyone says to this mountain, " Go throw yourself into the sea, and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will happen, it will be done for him. Therefore I tell you , whatever you ask for in prayer , believe that you have received it, an it will be yours. And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone , forgive him , so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins.

That is a direct promise from Jesus! Those mountains are looking at us in the face daily, they can be small or big! The question is do you let that mountain dictate to you if it stay's or do you talk to it like Jesus said to? This is scripture that is not talked about, or ministered to enough in the church. I believe first it must become revelation to you personally or it will have no effect in your life! Jesus is telling us to talk to this mountain, then he is telling us where we should tell it to go! God created everything with words if you look in the book of Genesis in chapter 1. In this chapter of Mark he telling us to create our world as well with our words !

We cant let our circumstances have the last word, we have to speak to them with the word of God. Jesus talked to wind, to tree's, to the dead, to the sick. Jesus even talked to money! In the book of  Matthew 17:26- Go to the lake and throw out your line. Take the first fish you catch ;open its mouth and you will find a four-drachma coin . Take it and give it to them for my tax and yours.How many people have overlooked that scripture? I did for year's, until I heard a teaching and it opened my eyes to see the truth in that scripture! Now you may not go fishing to get that to happen, but the point is Jesus can supply whatever you need  anyway he wants!  It's believing "and speaking to the mountain that gets supernatural results! Someone might say that was Jesus, I can't do that! He said "ANYONE" that qualifies you or me, so we can talk to these situations that arise in our life! We are not going to go around like a spooky person speaking to every thing. Its being spirit led in our lives, just as Jesus was,the truth of it is we have to  believe it!

We as the "church" are kingdom of God people ,we are not of this world minded, we have to start doing things the way the bible says to do them! Our circumstances cant have control over us, we have to believe we serve a big God! If Jesus said we can "speak to mountains" ( our problems) then we can!

I personally have seen results in my own life since this has been made revelation to me, other wise I would not be writing this to encourage others! Why would Jesus tell us this in the word if he didn't want us to act on this truth? When I look back on things in my life that would take priority in my thinking, these thoughts could get me down and discouraged !" Now I say no you don't", I have learned to speak to them and replace it with God "thoughts"God "words" and it works! I have been doing this now for a number of years, so now certain thoughts that create feelings of discouragement don't show up as often as they used to! Even if I slip and we all do, I get back on track with the Grace of GOD! If we have a trail that we face in our lives in any area we deal with it with by speaking to it and believing that it will be taken care of ! PRAISE GOD HE IS GOOD!

We all face different things, but we must do this to be  victorious, or our mountains will talk to you all the time! If we keep taking worry we allow it to move in, but speak to it and declare the word, it has no right to move in with us! The Grace of God will get you to this place, start looking into this truth and pray and ask Holy Spirit to show you this truth and he will! WOW God is so good he has equipped us with His Word to create our world we live in and see results!

Whatever is in your heart will create the world you live in! So activate the word of God in your mouth, put your roots down deep in the word and you can overcome anything with Gods Grace !! God is such a good God and He Loves you so know you can do all things because of Him !