Monday, December 8, 2014

Taking Territory in your life!

We serve the same God today as the Old Testament, the same God that performed all those miracles and delivered them from so many things! He is the same yesterday, today and forever the bible says. So if you need to take territory in your life and see something shift, than know that God will and  can do for you!

Esther a slave Jew, and God raised her to be Queen, that's the Favor of God! 

Ruth, God put her in the right field after she lost everything. She got married to the richest man, Boaz.

Danial was placed in the lions Den, but God's hand was on him, the lion couldn't touch him!

The 3 Hebrew boys were put in the fiery furnace- BUT there was a fourth man in their with them, JESUS, the fire didn't touch them. 

Three million people led by one man, Moses, he was"hearing from God", use the rod in your hand and split the Sea. Then instantly the Sea split and they went through on dry ground to the other side.

David standing before Goliath the giant, unafraid he knew his God was with him, and he cut off that giants head.

Peter locked up in jail and an angel unlocked his cuffs and walked him right out of that jail! 

Paul and Silas locked in jail, singing and praising God, and at midnight an earthquake hit and shook the foundations and they walked right out.

The flood came and one man and his whole family where saved in the Ark, they rode on top of the water, on top of trouble, because he listened to God! 

The Disciples were in the ship with a hurricane storm, BUT Jesus was with them and knew how to handle the situation, WIND BE STILL, PEACE!

Joshua, the wall was blocking him from his blessing- BUT GOD, gave him instructions to march around that wall 7 times, and SHOUT. The WALL came down! 

These are just a few of the miracles I have written here!

We serve the same God today! Take the territory back that the enemy want's to steal from you and believe God is with you to give you miracles like this. There is nothing to big for our God, when we are weak he is made strong in our lives. We have to realize we can't do it without our precious Lord and God Jesus Christ. HE LOVES YOU!

Friday, November 21, 2014

Are you experiencing a delay?

Many years ago their use to be a option with certain stores where you could put something on lay away, and make payments on it for a certain time until you paid it off. I remember doing it myself, you couldn't have the thing until you paid it off. It was a nice feeling when you went with that last payment and picked up your new outfit that you were dreaming about. You were diligent about making those payment, making sure that that outfit was going to be yours soon. There was a delay for a certain time, because you needed to PAY IN FULL, before you picked it up!

I used that metaphor to show that as Born again believers of God, we don't need to operate that way for all His promises! We don't need to put things on lay away with God, because He already PAID FOR IT, IN FULL, AT THE CROSS! 

God is not in the business of not showing up, if their is a delay its to get you through the traffic so you can enjoy the manifestation of it! Sometimes the delay is to get you more understanding, more insight into His word. If it came to soon Satan would steal if from you. Isaiah 40:31-But those who wait for the Lord , who expect, look for, and hope in Him, shall change and renew their strength and power; they shall lift their wings and mount up ,( close to God) as eagles ( mount up to the sun) ; they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint or become tired.

You may not have everything you have been asking the Lord for right now. It may not of manifested in the natural, but you do have what you need, other wise you wouldn't be here right now. Believe that verse their and trust Him.Guard your heart, don't answer the door to unbelief and doubt. Learn to answer the door with the word of God. The thief wants to break in and steal from you, If you handle it properly by trusting and waiting on the Lord you are headed for double!

God is not cheap and God is not broke, so don't settle for lay away's ! Believe for all the promises, and that they are PAID IN FULL! So whatever your desire is believe God has the best for you, seek Him with all your heart and praise Him in all things! When your connected with your heart and mouth to God, waiting on Him wont seem long and boring, Psalm 19; May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my hear be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.

This gospel of hope we have is in us as believers, hold to that hope because your faith needs something to to work with. Faith and hope go together, faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen. Your faith will take you in the future and get what you need in the present and bring it there. Faith is going to hold you there until it arrives! Faith is advanced knowledge! 

Seek Him with all your heart! Its your meditation on Him and His word, with all your heart, mind and your confession to declare it will come, then the delay won't matter!

He loves you!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Take back your thought life!

That may sound like a strange title to my blog, but believe it or not many Christians struggle with wrong thoughts. Your Soul consists of your emotions / feelings/ reason/ intellect / memory /imagination. 1 John :2 - Dear friend, I pray that your may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as you soul is getting along well. Most of the time when a Christian is struggling with carnal things its not bad behavior, its wrong thinking! God wants us to have success in every area of our life. We are 3 part being spirit, soul, body, when we get  born again in our spirit, it is now perfect, its the soul that needs transformation and that's where this verse is powerful, Romans 12:- Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to to test and approve what God's will is - his good, pleasing and perfect will. 

Transformation thinking can change anything, transformation word thinking, so it allows you to take back your thought life to where God intended it to be. If there was a past failure in your life that caused you to fail over and over again, then put the word of God on it. Take the word of God find scriptures in there on all the promises that tell you who you are in HIM. Abide in Him, stay connected to Him, manifestation cannot come with out the proper connection. Don't let the word just lay around you, take it in. Get Your heart right, get all the junk out and let the word take center stage. 

The word becomes life to those who find it," your everyday affairs" are handled now with the word of God.Renewing your mind will shut the gate on Satan! The reason Satan wants to control your thought life is, if he can control your decisions, then he can control your actions, which will lead him to control your habits, and then he has your character, and now he controls, and wants to destroy your destiny. Your behavior went off because your thought life went off, the word. The word is a mirror for us, and as long as we look into this mirror our true identity will be their! 

A lot of churches for many years were focused on on actions and behavior, always preaching on repentance, which we do need for sure, but after the repentance how do you NOT go back to your old ways? Hebrews 4:12- For the word of God is living and active , Sharper than any double -edge sword, it penetrates even to dividing the soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Powerful verse, this is the connection that must happen the word goes into these areas and changes you, BUT, you must stay long enough for it to change you, its not a one time thing. Once you you abide there and marinate in it,change starts to take place in your thinking. Now your mind is not rejecting this truth, its being transformed just as the word says in Romans. 

So when those old thoughts come back to you, and Satan tells you your not going to make it, or telling you to go back to your old ways, you now will know what to do. Take it captive with the word of God, you cant always control what thought comes into your mind, BUT, you can control how far that thought makes progress, in your mind and life. STOP all thoughts at the gate, handcuff them first, and make sure they are lining up with who God says you are in Him. 

The mind is the only access point in which Satan can attack and gain entrance. He cant touch our spirit or body as Christians. So if we make the word first priority, attend to his sayings and words and meditate on them, get them into our heart, then our thinking is right, now we can speak with authority! We can tell Satan no, I'm no longer that old person, I don't think that way any longer. My life is in Christ now and now my dreams are big because my thinking is right.


Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Being led of the Spirit!

There is a reason why God has scriptures in the word, in particular this one in Proverbs 3:5- Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight. 

Don't imagine you can handle part of your life and just get Him involved in the tough ones. That verse is saying to trust, with every breath you have inside you, to acknowledge him means he knows more than you do, and you are not proud to ask him about all the affairs of your life! That is being Spirit led, not led of our carnal selves, where our feeling and head get in the way. There will be times in our life that an opportunity will present itself to you, and logically it seems the right way to go, but that's not always the case. We must discipline our lives in God, to go to Him, as that verse is saying, it does take discipline!  The devil will be pushy in your life, through all sorts of suggestions and feeling at times! He is a manipulator and pushy, if your not strong you will yield to him! We must always remember he is defeated, and has been stripped of his power over us! The only way he has legal right is when we agree and get into fear! We need to look at our lives and examine what is leading us! Request led, need led, kid led, situation led, stress led, calamity led, fear led,opportunity led. The Spirit of God bears wittiness with your Spirit, the Sons of God are led internally.Romans 8:14.

Our job is to acknowledge God every time when faced with something, that's humility,and say "I don't know"!  We all need to learn that "obvious" isn't being Spirit led, things that seem so clear, and so plain, and say their's no need to check with God on it. We should never assume, but we should ask, pride wont ask! The most important thing is, are you doing what God wants you to do, are so many interruptions causing you to miss your time with God?  We sometimes feel that we must finish everything first and then give God our time!

Martha yielded to the wrong influencer, which led her to make accusations to Jesus about Mary. She accused Jesus of not being aware of what was happening, "Mary not helping her sister"! The right thing to do would of been for Martha to ask, not assume that Jesus didn't care. Of course Jesus cares and he knows everything that's going on, maybe Martha should of asked Jesus if all that preparation was needed? Then everything else would of fallen into place!

 So I believe we save ourselves so much trouble and heartache if we only ask, acknowledge God in our situations, not only when we get into tough ones! We are led by peace not pressure, the word of God says in Hebrews 4;1- Therefore , since the promise of entering his rest still stands, let us be careful that none of you be found to have fallen short of it. For we also have had the gospel preached to us, just as they did; but the message they heard was of no value to them, because those who heard did not combine it with faith. Now we who have believed enter that rest. 
Laboring to enter that rest only means that all the stuff on the outside will try to keep you out of the rest,and once your in the rest-it takes the  good fight of faith and casting down all the vain imaginations and casting all your care on Him,to stay in the rest! Even when the gates of hell come against you, and are shaking, you can say I will not be moved!

 We will be able to be Spirit led, when we are in the rest of God. Thats not doing nothing either, but its doing it all in faith, no pressure! Jesus is our example and he never let others pressure him into answers he only did what his Father said! Always remember He loves you!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

There's Always More In God!

What good is this gospel if their is no supernatural, the evidence must be in our lives of this gospel, this supernatural gospel! Are you as a believer just settling for where you are? What do you do with scriptures that tell us we are to walk this way, and to live out of the supernatural? Luke 10:19- I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.

2 Peter:1:4- Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises , so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.

This nature has been given to us and must be"trained" you don't just wake up and its there, it must first be made a truth to you. If you have a high ego, and walk in pride then you will struggle with getting it from the inside out. Our God is a supernatural God, and he expects us to walk this way! Don't get hung up on that word, its an order where God is, where there is experiences in God that are above our control. The supernatural is the natural accelerated, its life in Christ and experiencing his divine nature from the inside out! If there is confusion, or pressure in your life, it brings peace, peace that passes all understanding. That in itself is supernatural, I have been in times where there was no peace, fear tried to take over because of the circumstances, and I called on the name of the Lord Jesus, and wow, Peace came! We must believe and live this way, as the scripture says signs shall follow them.

Mark 16:17- And these attesting signs will accompany those who believe; in my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new languages; They will pick up serpents; and even if they drink anything deadly, it will not hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick , and they will get well.

The supernatural is whatever you need in your life, believe God is their to confirm his word! Its living our lives for him, being led of the Spirit daily, and if something should arise that needs the supernatural then believe for it. Don't just say what am I going to do, how am I going to get out of this,? If sickness comes against you, find the scripture and say" By His Stripes I was healed"!

Hebrews 2:4- This salvation , which was first announced by the Lord, was confirmed to us by those who heard him. God also testified to it by signs, wonders and various miracles, and gifts of the Holy Spirit distributed according to his will.

This is   more than just information, we must experience it in our own lives, having just doctrine is not necessarily experiencing it, we must have a true encounter with the living God. Its believing that no matter what you run into, you know that you know God is able to handle it!

If you want to catch it, than walk with people who want it, experience it, talk about it, go to church where your Pastor believes it and preaches it!

Satan wants to interrupt the order of God, the flow of the Supernatural, he will bring doubt, questions. Remember he is under out feet, The scripture say's he is!

There is always more in God for all of us, lets all believe this and rise above life circumstance that try to pull us down! Just remember the supernatural is not always doing the big miracles, it can start by just getting you out of a mess, or bringing you peace in a terrible situation. Its just believing you are not alone, God is always there, he really loves you!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Think like a Son and daughter of God!

We could totally miss our inheritance,"why"?
 We are thinking carnally minded, not like the a Kings heir! I didn't say" our salvation", yes we would still be saved, but the benefits of being a child of the most High God! If someone was to call you up and say you inherited a million dollars how would you react? We have inherited so much more, all you have to do is feast your eyes on scripture in the bible and believe it. This must be made revelation to you, you are a child of Glory! This will change our story because we are a child of God, all that God is, all that God has, and all that God can do for you now, not later in Heaven! Read that scripture that Jesus said in this verse!

John 17:2 I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one; I in them and you in me.

So our thinking has to, not" be on traditions of men not just reading the bible like its a nice story"! We must see who and what is in the verse, he said he has given us His glory, and that is on the inside of us when we are born again! His Glory is ALL THAT HE IS, ALL THAT HE HAS, AND ALL THAT HE CAN DO! That is what he gave us, its all in the NAME OF JESUS! Its there for us to live in  this life as winners!

So ask in the name of Jesus, the name above all names, the name which is the only name that man must be saved by. The name  that heals, provides, the creator, our sustainer, every characteristic of God is in the name of JESUS! We have got the precious name to deal with all opposition !

How do you maintain your victory when it looks like your loosing? Think on that verse and know that the same glory the Father gave Jesus, he gave to you! ALL THAT HE IS, ALL THAT HE HAS AND ALL THAT HE CAN DO, YOU ARE NOW ONE WITH HIM.

The Love of God is there to arrest every situation to bring you into his presence!  Call on me and I am there, that's the God of the bible!

HEBREWS 12:2- let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross , scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.

He saw the end for you and me, the victory for us because He loves us, so you are so worth it!
So don't park where you are, don't settle for less, you are an heir of the most high God and he loves you so much. He endured that cross yes for you and me, the joy of seeing you as an over comer is why he did it! We live out of His Glory that he gave us, so we can stand strong, so dust yourself off and know who you are in Him nothing can hold you down. Don't give up Gods got so much more for you!

Friday, September 26, 2014

Learning Contentment in all things!

We don't just come into this world with the attitude of being content in everything, no one naturally lives in contentment! This world is full of people who have everything and are not content with what they have. This is true for some Christians, while we should be the ones who are showing the world that there is a place of contentment, it can sometimes be the  opposite.

I want to look at the Apostle Paul for a bit and see what his secret was to "happiness, contentment, peace"which he wrote about  in  many books!

Like I said we don't just arrive into this world as an infant, and then grow up with all this contentment just oozing from us, no we have to be taught it from our parents. It must be instilled into us to appreciate things and be thankful for what we have. So what was Paul's secret to why he could write what he did, and tell us his secrets to live for Christ the way he did and have the right attitude?  And why  all the hardships he faced in life he was able to overcome them all, "ship wrecked, naked, left for dead, hungry, beaten, imprisoned ", and then still praise God?  This is a human man, just like you and me, no he wasn't anything more special than us, GOD loves us all the same. So what was his secret?

PHILIPPIANS 4:8-13-Finally , brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me- put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you. 

verse 11-for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through Christ who gives me strength.

So what was the secret? It was his thinking on the the things that were true, that were lovely, that were pure, and honest, and had a good report! It was was in thinking on these things, not on all the bad things he went through or was faced with at the moment, he was able to say"REJOICE, and again I say ALWAYS REJOICE IN GOD". If we are focusing on the negative always, its a wonder why people are not happy. We must implement this in our lives as Christians, and really draw from what Paul is saying.

In verse 11 Paul said he learned to be content, yes LEARNED, it didn't just arrive for him or had some special treatment, he learned it. He said whatever circumstances he was in, and how many of us can say we have been what he went through?

We have all learned something, to speak, to write, and to read! This was not how we came out of the womb it was learned, it was taught to us systematical from the simple to more advanced, its laying a foundation and building on it! Its a choice to learn it, we can all have knowledge on something, or hear something in school, but that doesn't mean you learned anything.You must apply yourself to it, you have to have a desire to learn, right? Pursue it and be hungry to learn in order to get it.

Paul loved God so much so that he gave his life for the gospel he was willing to die, he found the secret of loosing his life that true life would be gained, found! PHILIPPIANS 3:7- But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things.

These verses of scripture are powerful truths that we must learn in order to rise above life's circumstances. I hope you will be encouraged to apply this to your life, as we all need to !

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

"Whats your Spiritual Pulse"?

We all have a pulse, but what is your "spiritual pulse", would it register if taken? There are things in the spirit that keep our pulse going, things we must learn to do, to practice, by that I mean practice the presence of God in your life. Its so simple as spending time with Him, and allowing him to be the most important person in your life! We know that oxygen keeps our pulse going in the natural, other wise we would die. Then as born again Christians  that believe what the word of God says we must know we need a spiritual pulse to overcome!

PHILIPPIANS 4:1- Therefore, MY brethren, whom I love and yearn to see, my delight and crown wreath of victory, stand firm in the Lord!

Paul is telling us to stand firm in the Lord, Paul knew what it meant to stand firm. He of all people was faced with so many things in his life. He counted it all joy, because he knew that God was with him. He then goes on to say in the preceding verses to rejoice.

PHILIPPIANS 4:4- Rejoice in the Lord always( delight;gladden yourselves in Him); again I say , Rejoice! I really don't think Paul was putting a suggestion out there out there to do this, it was a command right from the Holy Spirit!

This goes against our culture to do this, its basically saying we are denying the problem to the world! There are many who are enemies of the cross, they want to put you back into bondage of thinking its all by our good works, and not the Grace of God,isn't that why Christ died, to give us freedom! Paul addressed putting no confidence in the flesh in the book of Philippians, and pressing on toward the goal as well. If we are to do this then part of it will be to make sure who you are hanging with!

Follow the right people in life, associate with people who are going to build you up in the Lord. I like to say something I heard many years ago by a man of God I respect, "Increase by Association" it matters! 1 Corinthians 15:33- Do not be misled; "Bad company corrupts good character". There is a real benefit to hanging around the right people, as you can see from that scripture. If your spiritual pulse is to stay alive then take that to be true.Proverbs 13:20- He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm.

 Our Joy should come from the things of God not on the external things in life. It is nice to have them don't get me wrong, I do enjoy them, God said he gives us all things to richly enjoy, but that is not our focus !

So even when it looks foolish to say I REJOICE ALWAYS, AGAIN I SAY REJOICE IN THE LORD, this is going to keep your spiritual pulse alive! Paul said that because he knew the results of doing it would cause a reaction in our spirit! Rejoicing should not be a result of circumstance going the right way for us, Rejoicing has to be a part of life no matter what the circumstances. This will have to be cultivated in our life, and when you are around the right people they will encourage you to do this. As born again believers we have all this in our spirit, we just need to draw from the wells, put the bucket in and draw out of the wells of living water in our spirit! Galatians 5: 22- But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience , kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self -control.

So go against those feeling of defeat, discouragement, and Rejoice, and Praise the Lord, Praise is our weapon it stills the avenger, its rubbing his noise into something he cant stand! Psalm 8:2- From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise because of your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger.

So whats your spiritual pulse if someone could take it? Prime the pump and praise Him even if you don't feel like it, rivers of living water will spring from your inner most belly! He loves you, and wants the best for you!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Arise and Shine!

Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you, See darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and his glory appears over you . Nations will come to your light and kings to the brightness of your dawn. ISAIAH 60:1-3.

That is an amazing scripture, meditate on it and see what that is saying! Jesus has come to the world the light of the world, a Savior for all mankind. Now receive him and get up and let this light shine in you, today! The Glory of the Lord rise upon you! If someone was to ask you what does Glory mean to you, how would you define it? ACTS 10:38-how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power and how he went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil, because God was with him. This is the Glory of God right here in action, the Glory of God is his presence, his power and his goodness! God was with Jesus, he was anointed with power and he went about doing good that was the ministry of Jesus when he came to the earth! HEBREWS 13:8- Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.

That Glory is there for us to partake of right now in our lives, His Presence, His Power, and His Goodness. He hasn't changed we need to expect more of this in our lives, this is the solution to any problem we face, any attack we may have in your life. It says that the nations will come to our light, and the brightness of your dawn! What they need to see is His Glory on our lives, if we are not believing and getting the atmosphere in our lives lined up with this how will they see it. How will they say, look at them, I want what they have, they can face anything with their God. They can do anything because of the God they serve!

Darkness covers the earth and is over the peoples, that is saying it's over their minds, darkness is an absence of spiritual and moral values. Wouldn't your agree that is our world today? I just can't believe what I see on TV, and they call that entertainment. ISAIAH 5:20 Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who puts darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. 

We are in these days where we are seeing this right now, men are legislating to get what God would "consider evil"  they want it approved. We must arise and shine with the Glory of Lord in our lives. That would mean for us to start charging the atmosphere in your life, in your kids life and in your home with EXPECTATION OF THIS!

The further the world goes into this darkness, the greater the manifestation of His Glory on us!

                                                   BUT, WE MUST BELIEVE IT, AND DECLARE IT!

We must let His Glory shine on us, let our light shine in this dark world so that others will come to the light. Let them see His presence manifest in your work place, even in your church, bring it into their and influence others that might be going through something. Let others in the world see that the power of God is still their to perform miracles  and heal , just as Jesus did. And tell others how God has been so good to you, that He is a good God, and wants the best for them, Tell people, don't hesitate to declare His GOODNESS, people really are looking for this, they want results in their messed up lives. We are the ones with the answers to give them, So charge your atmoshpere and declare it. Thank you Lord God this is my time for greater manifestations of Gods presence, Gods power, and Gods Goodness than I've every experienced!
Remember how much he loves you!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Don' let your hearts be troubled!

In a world where there is so much turmoil and fear, I thank our Lord Jesus that he left us with these words in John 14: 27- Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you, I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. 

 I wasn't going to write anything today on my blog, but I felt that someone needed to hear them, so if this is you take them and be encouraged with them right now! You know faith is a choice just as fear is a choice So  believe these words he had given thousands of years ago now, why, because he knew we would need to read them and believe them.

One of the greatest things we can learn in this walk of faith is what we are to yield to and what we are to resist. If we yield to him and humble ourselves and let his amazing Grace help us in our time of need then we will resist the turmoil and fear he is talking about in that verse.

When fear is given room to develop in our lives, its because of an absence of faith and confidence in Gods love for us! So know that he loves you and receive this word today!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Take up the full of armor of God!

To some the armor of God is not a subject of any importance, its  not been taught enough  in the church today. Its a big part for us as Christan's knowing what this armor does, what its for and why! I am just going to touch on the belt of truth and the breastplate of righteousness. Ephesians 6:14- Stand firm then with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place.

We need this armor to take everything the devil throws at us, which are his tricks, schemes, lies and wrong thoughts. No we don't fear him, but be alert of him! 

First of all we stay strong in Him, not ourselves, that is why God has given us His armor! Its the good fight of faith we are in, and yes its a good fight. What would be the point of being beaten up and defeated all the time, it wouldn't be a good fight then. We have seen movies with soldiers fighting with the armor on, well this is not a physical armor, its spiritual. So picture yourself in faith dressed and  ready to wear your armor, wear it to bed, arise with it never take it off. This belt of truth is encircled around us, the sword of the spirit on it, which is the word of truth! The breastplate of righteousness protects your heart, your lungs, your vital organs and it covers your front and back! So why this breastplate? 

Its given to extinguish all the flaming arrows the enemy sends at us, his schemes, lies, all the wrong thoughts. One of the key areas the enemy want to say to you is, your not given "His righteousness". Sometimes people get so hung up on that word righteous, and say how dare you think we could be righteous, or call yourself that. The truth of it is, none of us are righteous not one. Lets see what the word says though. 2 Corinthians 5:21- God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. That is saying that we are now in right standing with God now. The judgement of sin came on him, because of Jesus the sinless Son of God became sin for us,he paid for us all, the whole world. We can't earn it, its a free gift. So we take up that armor of His righteousness, put it on IN FAITH, and cover yourself front and back. So when the enemy comes at you with those flaming arrows, saying who do you think you are, look at what you did, your not acceptable to God, in his eyes your not good enough! If we believe this then we have not put on the armor of righteousness, you become a target for the enemy, easily pierced by these arrows. He is the accuser of our brothers, Revelation 12:10.

We must say no to this and say, NO,I am in right standing with God, because of what Jesus did for me at the cross. This is what the Breastplate of righteousness does it protects me against a barrage of lies he tries to tell us.We must put it on, by faith! 2 Corinthians 6:7-By speaking the word of truth, in the power of God, with the weapons of righteousness for the right hand to attack and for the left hand to defend. These are weapons of being right in God, weapons of being right in His eyes! Either the word is true or we are all doomed with no hope, But thanks to Jesus it is true and we have hope and are able to wear this with confidence! 

How do you know you are wearing it? Its when God says to you put it on, I paid for it, I love you so much, I did not leave you to be devoured in this life, cover yourself up front and back! Then YOU can say with confidence " NO TO THE LIES, AND SAY" GOD SEES JESUS WHEN HE LOOKS AT ME"! My righteousness wouldn't cut it, BUT His does! 

He has made you something in Him! Look at Him with confidence knowing how much he loves you. If you have messed up, confess before Him, don't play games just say" Lord I messed up, he is faithful to forgive all our unrighteous acts! Receive it today by Faith and put on the full armor of God!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Lets not be ignorant of what we are fighting!

If you know what the word of God says then you will not be ignorant, God equips us with TRUTH! In knowing the truth, we will have to contend for our faith, in what the word of God calls the good fight of faith! 1 Timothy 6:12- Fight the good fight of faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.

We are on the front lines to do what God has called us to do, and hold fast to our faith in this life. Many are in denial thinking that we have a part in this good fight, and what we are fighting! We are not up against anything to fear, but its only the schemes, deceitfulness, lies of the devil.  Jesus spoiled principalities of the enemy, so we must resist his schemes. He hasn't changed his pattern,the word says he is looking for someone to devour, we don't want to be the someone! He came to Adam and Eve in the garden with lies as well, they should of stayed on the truth, and said GOD SAID ! And one part of our fight is in our good confession. Jesus always held to his confession of what his assignment was, and who he was! It must be the same for us, we must not be sleeping and unaware of these schemes.

1 Peter 5:8- Be well balanced ( temperate, sober of mind), be vigilant and cautious at all times; for that enemy of yours, the devil, roams around like a lion roaring ( in fierce hunger) , seeking someone to seize upon and devour, withstand him; be firm in faith against his onset-rooted , established , strong, immovable, and determined, knowing that the same identical sufferings are appointed to your brotherhood the whole body of Christians throughout the world.

So that tells me he is not going to show up at your front door is he? No he is going to come into your house of thoughts as I like to put it. So we must check our thoughts at the door, are they saying what the word says about you? We will be easily defeated when we don't know what the word says, I may repeat myself in my blogs about this truth, but we need to get it!

We don't fight aimlessly, fighting the air, without packing a good punch, no our answers are found in the word. We must cast down those vain imaginations, thoughts that turn into wrong beliefs!Those beliefs then turn into words," wrong words then into wrong actions,  and then wrong living". If enough of this takes place you can swallowed up and devoured like it says in that verse.

Jesus warned us in Matthew 24:4- " Watch out that no deceives you"

There are plenty of scriptures to warn us against being deceived, that's why we must have this belt of truth buckled around our waist like it says in Ephesians 6;14- Stand firm then, with the belt of TRUTH buckled around your waist.

If you read that full chapter that is the first part of the armor that must be in place when the evil day comes against you. Its because everything else mentioned about the rest of the armor attaches itself to this truth, other wise you are exposed to fiery darts, Lies. Every part of this armor is designed to protect you from specific lies!

Jesus said you will know the truth and the truth will make you FREE, FREE from all his schemes, lies and house of thoughts that try to deceive you, and take you captive into wrong thinking. We have His mighty power to cast down all these thoughts, he gives us insight into all this through the word.2 Corinthians 10:3-6. 

Ephesians 5:8- For you were once darkness, but now you are the light in the Lord. Live as children of light, for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth.and find out what pleases the Lord.

We are not to be unaware and left always saying I don't understand why God, why. He gives us the answers and equips us to run this race and do what he has called us to do.

Revelation 12:11-They defeated him through the blood of the Lamb and the bold word of their witness.

I see in that verse words are involved, a bold word, so lets be a believer who boldly declares the word in this good fight of our faith, and not be ignorant of his(enemy's) schemes,and lies that try to deceive many. Let us run this race with diligence and be over comers!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Stand your ground, hold fast!

As I wrote in my previous blog about Peter, and his presumptuous faith, lets look at him some years later! How he learned from his knock down fight,to getting back up, and going on to teach others to  hold fast in the faith. The Grace of God is and must be involved to overcome.God has provided this Grace, but we have to posses this Grace by faith. Its in possessing it, the fight starts, why? Your enemy doesn't want you to have it. , that's when the resistance to pick it up begins. At times there will be serious resistance to pick it up, BUT, we have serious Faith, to steadfastly resist the enemy of your faith.

Years later Peter learned through humility and now on the other side,he teaches others how to hold steadfastly to your faith. There are lessons to be learned from Peter, other wise it wouldn't be here for us in the word!
1 Peter 5: 5- Cloth yourselves with humility toward one another, because God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. Humble yourselves therefore , under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. 

Be self- controlled and alert, Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith.

Peter is saying don't under estimate your opponent, know that when you humble yourself and allow God to train you up through the word, you are being equipped for this good fight. Its like in the natural when top fighters train for there fights, what do they do? They eat well, exercise, watch that they don't hang out with people who will make them feel like they can't win this big fight that's coming up! So it is with us, if you are not in a fight right now, then we should be training for one! We are to be ready, equipped all the time! We have to know the devil schemes. 2 Corinthians 2:11- After all, we don't want to unwittingly give Satan an opening for yet more mischief - we're not oblivious to his sly ways! But thanks be to God who always gives us the VICTORY, THROUGH CHRIST OUR LORD!

God always gives us insight to how to fight through his Word, and how the enemy attacks.
2 Corinthians 10:4- The weapons we fight with are not weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
So how do we do this certainly not on our own.

Ephesians 6: 13- Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything to stand, Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition all this , take up the shield of faith with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit which is the word of God. 

There is a reason we need all this armor, our enemy is going to shoot at us, and we need to protect ourselves, learning how to respond, to stand steadfast in the faith. He wants you to be clueless and not know where all these thoughts come from, imaginations, and fiery darts that hit your life. The word says Faith comes from hearing and hearing the anointed word of God, we can lose it the same way, by hearing the wrong negative things that come against us, same principal at work here!

It is pride to think that we can entertain anything, say anything and it will not effect our faith, it will! We should be in training, and cast down things in our life that want to exalt themselves above the word ! What does it say who we are?  We are over comers , we are the healed, we are prosperous, we are blessed, we are free! Shut down all other things that say you are not, stand and hold fast in your faith! This does not mean you are striving, no quit the contrary, we can rest in Him, and do all this from a position of Victory! Knowing he has won the fight for us! We just walk it out without being passive about things! So this is part of our daily walk with Him, things we must be aware of, I'm continuing on in future blogs, hope you read it and be encouraged! Always remember he love you!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

How not to get out of the race!

Lets face it we all can say we have failed in the faith area, if we are honest! I know I have, but the good thing is His Grace is there  to start again!  We don't take His Grace for granted, at some point we need to  grow  up in the things of God, but I thank God for His Amazing wonderful Grace! We can learn from  examples in the word, like Peter and some of his failings. Peter sounds like he had a strong personality, from the word he sounded presumptuous, overly confident, at times. Have you ever been there, only to fail? Lets look at Peter, known as Simon at one time.

Luke 22:31-34" Simon, stay on your toes. Satan has tried his best to separate all of you from me, like chaff from wheat. Simon, I've prayed for you in particular that you not give in or give out. When you have come through the time of testing, turn to your companions and give them a fresh start". This is Jesus giving Peter a heads up, that Satan wanted to separate Peter's faith from Jesus! How can it get any better than this, Jesus telling you ahead of time this is whats going to happen, and lovingly say's," BUT I'M GOING TO PRAY FOR YOU!. If you look at this next scripture Simon (Peter) sounds overly confident, not even realizing who he is talking with "JESUS" can you imagine trying to go up against Jesus when he has just had word of knowledge for you? But we all have failed, but for the Grace of God! I'm not picking on Peter, we can learn from him, and he went on to great things!

Luke 22:33 Peter said, "Master, I'm ready for anything with you, I'd go to jail for you. I'd die for you!" Jesus said, " I'm sorry to have to tell you this, Peter, but before the rooster crows you will have three times denied that you know me". 

 He denied him 3 times, the pressure, his emotions were in control! Where was his faith now? All the things Jesus ministered to him were no where to be found. Peter was boasting, he said I'm ready, But he really wasn't! All these people accusing him that he knew Jesus, and Peter kept saying "I don't know Him, who do you mean, never saw this man in my life". He may of feared for his own life. The test was evident here, and Peter failed, as Jesus predicated he would. Peter should of said" I know this man you are talking about, instead he said " Jesus who"? For us today this is how we lose the good fight of faith, wavering, staggering in our confession. Know who you are in Christ and be confident in his STRENGTH! We need to stay at our post, holding to our profession or confession of faith. If we start wavering cracks come into our foundation, questioning Gods goodness, and his faithfulness to perform his word in our life!

The GOOD FIGHT OF FAITH IS REAL," I believe" what we can learn from this example, it's not to be presumptuous in our faith, by that I mean it's easy to talk the talk, but to walk it out is a whole other thing. Its easy to say "Praise God, and sing and dance when things are a breeze"! Our faith will be challenged at times, the pressure will be there to want to say the wrong thing like Peter did. But like Peter, some battles are going to require us to not give into the pressure when it comes. Jesus came to  them another time and ministered to them, this was just before he was taken.

Luke 22:45- When he rose from prayer and went back to the disciples, he found them asleep and exhausted from sorrow. ' WHY are you sleeping"? He asked them . Get up and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. These are words of wisdom for us today, sorrow and being exhausted in life will take you away form the good fight of faith, so pray and keep a close walk with the Lord!

YES THE VICTORY HAS BEEN WON! Our fight is not trying to get God to do something, He has already paid the price, done it all! The fight is the enemy trying to separate YOU, AND ME, FROM OUR FAITH! Its speaking negative when the pressure comes and not believing you can over come this area!

Peter wasn't ready for what he so fervently predicated he was, but we can learn, and say Help me Lord where I'm missing it, teach me to stand and not waver in my faith. When they took Jesus away, Peter was shaken up, the pressure must of been great to see that. I'm sure he felt fear, isolated now that Jesus was taken from him. He had spent a lot of time with him and never really for seeing this day would come, his Master taken from him!

We all can learn to win every time, if we refuse to be shaken or let go of our faith, nobody's getting my faith!

Romans 8:3 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?  No in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us! 

Let this be your confession of faith, be encouraged to win! HE LOVES YOU!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Don't be a silent believer!

The bible says in 1 Timothy 6:12 - Fight the good fight of faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of may witnesses.

There is a reason why many struggle with their faith after they get saved. They haven't learned there is a good fight. A fight that will require you to, yes not only believe, but believe and confess the word. Its not a formula, but, "words are containers" and what we say will determine where you end up! Your confession is part of your fight " The power of faith filled words". Words are containers , what are you putting into these containers, doubt, fear, depression, sickness, or are they faith filled words that will pack a punch?

So in order to keep your faith, there will be a fight! How to fight will require us to not let the enemy distract you, let nothing push you out of this fight. The victory is ALREADY WON, but until Jesus returns or we go to be with the Lord, we are in this good fight! We must resist the enemy with his distractions and lies. We must keep our faith, with believing our faith filled words and speaking what the WORD OF GOD SAY'S!


Romans 10:8- " The word is near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart," that is, the word of faith we are proclaiming; That is our victory, DON'T BE SILENT BELIEVERS! I thank God that he showed me many years ago to not just believe, but to CONFESS, DECLARE, THE WORD OUT OF MY MOUTH! I know to some this is weird, but look at Jesus as our example, he always spoke the word, in every situation. He took his stand and didn't give an inch. He was led only to say what the Father showed him, isn't that how we should be as well. He has given us Holy Spirit to led us and guide us into all truth, that truth is what  the WORD SAY'S, but we must take the time to Hear the word, faith comes from hearing the anointed word of God.

This is the only way we are going to fight the good fight of faith, remember Jesus already won it for us, but we are to take hold, lay hold. I love how it say's it in this version.

1Timothy 6:11- Run hard and fast in the faith, Seize the eternal life, the life you were called to, the life you so fervently embraced in the presence of so many witnesses. I'm charging you before the life -giving God and before Christ, who took his stand before Pontius pilate and didn't give and inch; Keep this command to the letter and don't slack off. 

Jesus never gave an inch when trouble showed up,he knew what to say, when to say it, and how to speak it, the word, and the power it has to produce kingdom of God results! We need to LOAD OUR MOUTHS AND FIRE OUR AMMUNITION WITH FAITH WORDS!

Start"SAYING" depression,Poverty, fear, doubt, sickness, you have no power over me, wrap yourself around this truth and don't be moved by it!


Monday, August 25, 2014

Are your wells stopped up?

Are your wells in life clogged, are you tired of trying to start new ones only to be disappointed again? Do you let others rob you of your joy? You may ask what do you mean by that? In a sense those wells are our faith, wells of faith to believe by, trust God by. Is your faith mingled with doubt, unbelief, only to be carried with words that speak doubt?  Well I will show you through a biblical story here! In the book of Genesis 26. Isaac was the Son of Abraham, the blessing was on his life like his father. Did that mean that opposition didn't come against him? No, he had circumstance just like we do today, and he didn't let them stop him from prospering in his life! If you read in that book of Genesis 26 Isaac had encountered a famine, it was a bad time for there was no crops, which in our day would be a serious economic downturn!

That didn't stop Isaac from doing what the Lord told him, so he planted in that land and it says that he reaped a hundredfold because the Lord blessed him. It says that Isaac become very wealthy and it continued to grow, he had so many flocks and herds, and servants and the Philistines envied him. They envied him so much they stopped up the wells his father Abraham servants dug in his time, filling them with earth. They told him ( Isaac) get out from us you are to wealthy for us to look at! Wow, can you imagine the jealousy some people have towards others, rather than having the attitude I'm next! It is sad, this happens today in the church, we have to learn to be happy for others! 

So Isaac left and reopened the wells in the Valley of Gerar that had been stopped up after his father Abraham died. These Philistines were really out to stop this family! 

Isaac didn't quit, his servants dug in the valley and discovered  fresh water there, only to have them come at him with strife saying the water is ours! Do you every think"oh I have fresh water" everything is going so good this is it, only to have it come at you again? This happened a few more times, each time quarreling with him. This didn't stop Isaac, he knew God was with him and the blessing was working on his behalf. 

Do you feel like your wells are stopped up?Do you feel I can't do this again only to be stopped again?If you were to put it in our day today, we may not be literally digging up wells, but it is the same principal! DON'T GIVE UP! The end result was Isaac didn't stop, he moved on from those circumstances trusting God, and finally it says the quarreling stopped, they dug another well and God gave them room to flourish in the land they were in! 

So don't let others around you bring you into strife, quarreling, move on like Isaac he trusted God to bring him to a place to flourish. Trust God, even if it looks like a famine around you,keep planting!Gods increase will be on you to have  a mighty Harvest if you don't give up! 

Thursday, August 21, 2014

His Kindness written on our heart!

When the kindness of God is written on our heart, that's when we are able to show kindness! Yes there are nice people in the world,and they are kind, but it's not the same power! His kindness reaches out and draws others in, it overflows to others, it closes the gap where offense will separate, and divide, and causes distance between the body of Christ! Offenses come to us with only one purpose, to divide the church, to cause a gap.  Kindness is a risk! But the reward will be far greater to show the kindness of God. It may be in your power to show someone kindness that could forever change the course of their life! You may ask how? Well  the best way is through a biblical story, always a good place to show the truth!

King David was a man after God's heart, right from the time he was a Shepherd boy. He had quite the life, one of many victories and tragedies. He had faced many things in his life, but always wanted God to be a part of them all. I really like reading about him, the Psalms is full of his writings, and this story in particular in 2 Samuel 9 that really touched me! He had become good friends with King Saul's son, Jonathan, and after  the death of both men, David went to the house of Saul and asked is their any one left from this lineage, that I can show Kindness to for Jonathan's sake? I believe God plan was working through David to show kindness, kindness that changed the course of this man's life forever! You see God never forgets about anyone.

This man's name was Mephibosheth son of Jonathan, David was determined to show kindness. 2 Samuel 9:3 The King asked "Is there no one still left of the house of Saul to whom I can show God's kindness? Ziba answered the King " There is still a son of Jonathan ; he is crippled in both feet". Where is he? He is at the house of Makir son Ammiel in Lo Debar. So king David had him brought from Lo Debar.

This place of Lo Debar is a place with no word, no communication, far out,destitute. There he was this Mephibosheth crippled with nothing going for him in his life. He was not living the way he should of been, think of it his Father, Jonathan was the son of King Saul, so that meant there should of been some inheritance passed on! He was living like a cast away, crippled, with no fellowship with God, "BUT" that was about to change, KINDNESS RESTORED HIM BACK!

King David showed him kindness that day, he restored all the land that belonged to his grandfather Saul, and told him that he would always be eating at his table from now on. He had been given people to work the land, to bring in a harvest for him to live off of. All because of "AN ACT OF KINDNESS"!  We were once like this Mephibosheth a cripple, cast out, living in Lo Debar , but it all changed for us, because of Jesus and His loving kindness displayed for us on the cross,with His blood! I like how this verse here puts it!

Ephesians 2:11-But don't take any of this for granted. It was only yesterday that you outsiders to God's ways had no idea of any of this, didn't know the first thing about the way God works, hadn't the faintest idea of Christ. You knew nothing of that rich history of God's covenants and promise in Israel , hadn't a clue about what God was doing in the world at large. Now because of Christ- dying that death , shedding that blood you who were once out of it altogether are in on EVERYTHING!

We have been brought in as well because of His love for us, Jesus changed it all and we to can eat from His table everyday.
It may be in your power to show an act of kindness to change someone's  life forever, let the KINDNESS OF OUR GOD BE WRITTEN ON YOUR HEART! Its the Love of God!

Monday, August 18, 2014

The God we serve will deliver us!

I found a journal I started writing in 2000, it was a very tough time for me at that time. Reading it and all the memory's of that time came rushing back to me. Tears filled my eyes, and the feelings, or memory of it was there, but the pain wasn't. That old saying" forgive and forget", you should forgive, but you never forget! Forgetting would never give place to be a testimony, and give God the Praise and Glory! The amazing thing that happens with God is you just don't remember with the same pain, it's healed, PRAISE GOD! That is of course if you let God heal you, and move on! I was reading it and then looking at my life now, truly a work of God. Sometimes in life things happen to us but that doesn't mean we are out of the race! We have to trust Him in all things, reading those pages I didn't know from one day to the next what was going to happen. I just knew I had to trust God every step of the way, almost 15 years later he has truly been faithful to me! We can read stories in the bible and sometimes think of it as just a story, but they were real people, real events that happened! They had to trust God the same way we have to today! Here is an example from the book of Daniel about the 3 Hebrews thrown into the fiery furnace. They bound them up with external garments to throw them in, but they were not bound on the inside. Inside they knew there God, they testified to the king in authority that they were not going to bow down to their god and worship them! Even though what was awaiting them, it didn't change their heart, their words and faith! Even if they had to die, they were going to serve God no matter what! I remember saying the same thing back then, all hell had come at me, and I said I will serve you my God no matter what! The furnace in my life was turned up, not by God, but by my adversary, I had the SON OF GOD with me as well in that furnace! That king  thought that if the furnace was turned up seven times hotter, and those boy's were bound up tight, they would surely burn. Have you ever had the pressure so strong in a situation, that you felt you weren't going to make it?

That was not the case, when they looked they said didn't we just throw 3 men in the fire? Then the king said why do I see 4 men walking around, unharmed, and the 4th is like the Son of God? I love that story, do you ever feel like you are in that fiery furnace?

I know reading that journal this morning I was in it at that time! I can relate to these men here, now it wasn't a literal fire, but it was one that was meant to burn me up as well! Guess what it didn't, I'm here today to testify that I also had the SON OF GOD, walking with me as well! It says in the bible that the fire had no power, nor was an hair of their head singed, neither were their coats changed, nor the smell of fire passed on them.

I want to encourage anyone reading this to trust God no matter what comes your way, these men had Faith words, not even the government could dictate there future! Daniel 3:17- If it be so our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace , and he will deliver us out your hand.

So looking back I wrote and spoke words of trust on those pages, and I see that God did bring me out without the smell of smoke. It turned out good for those 3 Hebrew boys that day as well!

Faith is not presumption, faith is not hope,  faith is not optimism , faith is our response to Gods way! Faith is our ability to go beyond the natural realm and believe and receive it! So it must feed on the impossible knowing you will come out, knowing God never leaves you, knowing he has plans for you and that he loves you so much!

Its His GRACE, not our ability to overcome, we need to let self go and all our self help books because the only thing that it does, is help self, and we don't need to help self!  Those 3 Hebrews in that furnace knew self couldn't save them, and 15 years ago I knew I could't get me to where I am today, its His Amazing Grace and Love! Stay Strong in Him!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, kindness,....!

I am always so saddened with the way the public throws slander to these celebrities over twitter, and other social media networks when there is a death, the recent death of Robin Williams. It is so tragic, that a person wants to end there life, but why do people want to say hurtful things to the family and make it public! What must be in there heart to even attack them when they didn't even know these people. I guess hurt people want to hurt, hurting people. The world needs Jesus and all that he has for them, all that he paid the price for them. Titus 3:4- But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared , he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. 

Do you need some kindness, some mercy? I know I do everyday, I take all of His kindness everyday in my life, I do not take it for granted I value it! I am so thankful that he planted the seeds of His Character in me when I was born again. The fruit of the Spirit! In fruit of itself there are seeds, seeds that grow, so we have the fruit of Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self-control. We can operate out of each one of these everyday of our lives!

He made it possible for us to live this life through all His precious promises and be victories! To escape all the corruption and its evil desires. He gave us the measure of faith when we are born again, but we don't stop their, we have to make an effort to add to our faith. This is not out of anything we do in ourselves, but its the work of Holy Spirit and us believing and taking it through faith and walking it out. This might sound like an old song and dance, and you could say I have heard this before. But the truth of it is we need to examine our hearts daily to see if we are allowing these fruits to be evident in our lives!

It says in 2 Peter 1:5- For this very reason make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge self- control; and to self-control, perseverance,and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love. 

That is saying make every effort, not if you feel like it, we must be diligent in doing this. Why? Its not just saying it without cause, its to have a cause and effect in our lives! For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. But if anyone does not have them, he is nearsighted and blind, and has forgotten that he has been cleansed from his past sins.

There is a whole lot in those verses to really think about and meditate on. Do you know that being Kind is taking a Risk? Its putting yourself out there to be kind to someone or smile at someone who may of treated you not very nice. It may even be in your church , sadly that does happen, its happened to me, it does hurt. I didn't want to be kind later on to that person, but I knew the benefit of me adding all these qualities to my faith would pay off. GUESS WHAT? They did, I took it to the Lord and allowed him to work in me, change me through the process, and if it happened again it got easier to add them to my faith again! I can be around that person without anything in my heart, it truly is a work of God! One that amazes me when we surrender ourselves to Him. I love Him so much, and His Grace that works in me to this day!

 Grace and more Grace ! Its in us people,  we have His ability, His love, as believers in Christ,in us to posses and rise above any situation if we want to! Showing kindness is not being a pushover its showing the Love, and Character of God, extend your kindness to others!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Let kindness be your reputation!

Jesus was known for showing kindness, compassion, love, all the God kind of acts! He had a" reputation" people followed him every where he went, large crowds wanted to hear what he had to say.  On the other hand there was those who couldn't stand him, they stoned him with there words!  It was an  old testament mind set, the law and all it regulations! There hearts where not full of this kindness and mercy that Jesus was operating in. Thank you Jesus that you came and showed all these acts of the God kind of love, and demonstrated to us that we ourselves can live this way as well! The test comes for all of us when someone sticks a fork in us, how do we react! How are our words going to be, words of kindness, or assuming the worst?  We all have been challenged with this at some point in our life. If we are ruled with the word of God, then that will lead you, rather than our carnal impulses!

Jesus rescued us with His kindness, and Love and demonstrated that on the cross! Their is more faith in that power of KINDNESS, MERCY, LOVE, to show to anyone! We think we win sometimes by reacting with wrong words, it makes us feel stronger! That is such a lie, it makes our flesh feel good, but the truth of it is there is Power in showing kindness of words. The bible says to think more of others than we think of ourselves. Philippians 2: Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.

Our reputation has to be one of kindness and mercy as well, there are benefits to this way of life. The bible if full of scriptures to prove this! 

Proverbs 3: 1-4- My Son do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in your heart, for they will prolong your life many years and bring you prosperity. Let not kindness and truth forsake thee; Bind them about thy neck: Write them upon your heart : So shall you find favor and good understanding in the sight of God and man . Your neck never leaves you, so when we put kindness around our neck, its always ready to be manifested in our lives to others!

Look at the benefits God promised with doing this, in that scripture! We can all do this with His amazing Grace. Its choosing to be filled up with the things of God so when things happen we are prepared to act with kindness. All things are possible with Him! It doesn't mean its always going to be so easy, thoughts will come at you saying go on say those things against that person, think the worst. We can all do it with Gods help and think the best about that person. James 1:19- My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this; Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.

We grow in Grace, so I encourage you to let your light shine with His Kindness! Just remember people around you are getting whatever you are full of," full of self or full of Jesus."