Tuesday, September 23, 2014

"Whats your Spiritual Pulse"?

We all have a pulse, but what is your "spiritual pulse", would it register if taken? There are things in the spirit that keep our pulse going, things we must learn to do, to practice, by that I mean practice the presence of God in your life. Its so simple as spending time with Him, and allowing him to be the most important person in your life! We know that oxygen keeps our pulse going in the natural, other wise we would die. Then as born again Christians  that believe what the word of God says we must know we need a spiritual pulse to overcome!

PHILIPPIANS 4:1- Therefore, MY brethren, whom I love and yearn to see, my delight and crown wreath of victory, stand firm in the Lord!

Paul is telling us to stand firm in the Lord, Paul knew what it meant to stand firm. He of all people was faced with so many things in his life. He counted it all joy, because he knew that God was with him. He then goes on to say in the preceding verses to rejoice.

PHILIPPIANS 4:4- Rejoice in the Lord always( delight;gladden yourselves in Him); again I say , Rejoice! I really don't think Paul was putting a suggestion out there out there to do this, it was a command right from the Holy Spirit!

This goes against our culture to do this, its basically saying we are denying the problem to the world! There are many who are enemies of the cross, they want to put you back into bondage of thinking its all by our good works, and not the Grace of God,isn't that why Christ died, to give us freedom! Paul addressed putting no confidence in the flesh in the book of Philippians, and pressing on toward the goal as well. If we are to do this then part of it will be to make sure who you are hanging with!

Follow the right people in life, associate with people who are going to build you up in the Lord. I like to say something I heard many years ago by a man of God I respect, "Increase by Association" it matters! 1 Corinthians 15:33- Do not be misled; "Bad company corrupts good character". There is a real benefit to hanging around the right people, as you can see from that scripture. If your spiritual pulse is to stay alive then take that to be true.Proverbs 13:20- He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm.

 Our Joy should come from the things of God not on the external things in life. It is nice to have them don't get me wrong, I do enjoy them, God said he gives us all things to richly enjoy, but that is not our focus !

So even when it looks foolish to say I REJOICE ALWAYS, AGAIN I SAY REJOICE IN THE LORD, this is going to keep your spiritual pulse alive! Paul said that because he knew the results of doing it would cause a reaction in our spirit! Rejoicing should not be a result of circumstance going the right way for us, Rejoicing has to be a part of life no matter what the circumstances. This will have to be cultivated in our life, and when you are around the right people they will encourage you to do this. As born again believers we have all this in our spirit, we just need to draw from the wells, put the bucket in and draw out of the wells of living water in our spirit! Galatians 5: 22- But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience , kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self -control.

So go against those feeling of defeat, discouragement, and Rejoice, and Praise the Lord, Praise is our weapon it stills the avenger, its rubbing his noise into something he cant stand! Psalm 8:2- From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise because of your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger.

So whats your spiritual pulse if someone could take it? Prime the pump and praise Him even if you don't feel like it, rivers of living water will spring from your inner most belly! He loves you, and wants the best for you!!

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