Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Arise and Shine!

Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you, See darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and his glory appears over you . Nations will come to your light and kings to the brightness of your dawn. ISAIAH 60:1-3.

That is an amazing scripture, meditate on it and see what that is saying! Jesus has come to the world the light of the world, a Savior for all mankind. Now receive him and get up and let this light shine in you, today! The Glory of the Lord rise upon you! If someone was to ask you what does Glory mean to you, how would you define it? ACTS 10:38-how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power and how he went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil, because God was with him. This is the Glory of God right here in action, the Glory of God is his presence, his power and his goodness! God was with Jesus, he was anointed with power and he went about doing good that was the ministry of Jesus when he came to the earth! HEBREWS 13:8- Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.

That Glory is there for us to partake of right now in our lives, His Presence, His Power, and His Goodness. He hasn't changed we need to expect more of this in our lives, this is the solution to any problem we face, any attack we may have in your life. It says that the nations will come to our light, and the brightness of your dawn! What they need to see is His Glory on our lives, if we are not believing and getting the atmosphere in our lives lined up with this how will they see it. How will they say, look at them, I want what they have, they can face anything with their God. They can do anything because of the God they serve!

Darkness covers the earth and is over the peoples, that is saying it's over their minds, darkness is an absence of spiritual and moral values. Wouldn't your agree that is our world today? I just can't believe what I see on TV, and they call that entertainment. ISAIAH 5:20 Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who puts darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. 

We are in these days where we are seeing this right now, men are legislating to get what God would "consider evil"  they want it approved. We must arise and shine with the Glory of Lord in our lives. That would mean for us to start charging the atmosphere in your life, in your kids life and in your home with EXPECTATION OF THIS!

The further the world goes into this darkness, the greater the manifestation of His Glory on us!

                                                   BUT, WE MUST BELIEVE IT, AND DECLARE IT!

We must let His Glory shine on us, let our light shine in this dark world so that others will come to the light. Let them see His presence manifest in your work place, even in your church, bring it into their and influence others that might be going through something. Let others in the world see that the power of God is still their to perform miracles  and heal , just as Jesus did. And tell others how God has been so good to you, that He is a good God, and wants the best for them, Tell people, don't hesitate to declare His GOODNESS, people really are looking for this, they want results in their messed up lives. We are the ones with the answers to give them, So charge your atmoshpere and declare it. Thank you Lord God this is my time for greater manifestations of Gods presence, Gods power, and Gods Goodness than I've every experienced!
Remember how much he loves you!

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