Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Who is in your boat when the storm come's?

Jesus never said that their would never be any storm's in our life, he never promised that we would be problem free ! He did say in John 16:33 " I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart ! I have overcome the world.

Do we trust that Jesus is in the storm with us when it comes or do we panic and cry out where are you Jesus? Luke 8 Jesus said to his disciples "LET'S GO OVER TO THE OTHER SIDE OF THE LAKE"! 
The disciples had no clue what was going to happen that day! They set out to go to the other side of that lake! It may of been a long sail, so Jesus decided to have a sleep.

The bible says a squall came down on the lake and the boat was being swamped, and they were in great danger! Jesus was sleeping through all of this! The disciples had to go and wake him up! "Master , Master, we're going to drown ! They obviously didn't really know who was in that boat with them, they "panicked  " on that day! The first thing Jesus did was rebuked the storm, and it was calm. Then He said
"Where is your Faith" I believe He expected them to deal with that storm, all the teaching they had heard was now going to be put to work!

So we need FAITH IN THE STORM ! We need to look at that storms in life and speak to it. Jesus would not of asked them in that boat that day if he didn't think his disciples could handle it. Think about that why would he say that to them" where is your faith "? They had been traveling with Him for awhile now, they saw miracles, and listened to Jesus teach ! I think this was a test to see how they would handle themselves, how they would react!

If you look in the same chapter Jesus was teaching about the Parable of the Sower. It says the 12 were with Him. Their were all kinds of miracles, people got delivered from evil spirits, so they got to see with there eye's the power manifested, but did they HEAR! Jesus taught on the parable of the" sower" painting a picture of how the word works and grows ! Jesus at one point said with a loud voice" He who has ears to hear, let him hear "

There was a reason after teaching all of this he called out ! He wanted them all to get what he was saying and that they would be prepared for the storms that were coming! We need to HEAR WITH OUR SPIRIT EAR'S! We need to have Faith that Jesus never leaves us or forsakes us in the storms.

We need to incline our "EAR TO LISTEN" not just hearing, BUT its hearing with then intent to learn, with the intent to apply it to my life! Jesus said it so its got to be important !

So when the storms in life are there, never forget Jesus is there!  We need to have FAITH , FAITH BELIEVES, FAITH SPEAKS, FAITH TAKES!

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