Thursday, June 19, 2014

Redeeming your time wisely !

A few years back now the Lord ministered these words to me "redeem your time wisely" I knew what they meant I didn't have to ask Him, but it resonated loudly to me. How many know "time" goes so quickly and we all say where does the "time" go. Time is given to us here on this earth with which we go by, and there are only 24 hours in one day, and out of them there is only so much we can get done. So my point in saying this is time spent wisely will give you a good return if you choose wisely! The world will look to the stock market and invest all there money, there energy to resource the best stocks! For some the return has not been that great, in fact some have lost everything and ended their life. This is so sad that a person can get to that point. There time was not redeemed wisely! The bible say's what does it gain a man if he gains the whole world and loose his soul!  I believe that can mean even as a born again christian, you can be running around filling your life with other things, and be so miserable in your soul you miss all the good returns GOD has for you !

God says seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be added to you ! 
 God says to give our time seeking His way, and then all things will be given to us! To me that sound's like a great return, all things will be added to me! If you read in the verses before that Jesus is telling us not to worry about your life, what you eat, drink what you will wear. So in this seeking you have to make time to spend with Him in order to find something, There is a treasure that money can't buy, there is a peace that no drug can give you. There are answers that you can get when faced with situations that you feel hard pressed with! But you have to make time and seek! We are saved by Grace through Faith and there is nothing we can do to earn it. God has given us His word and that is our manual for this life and we have to find out what's in there for us, but that takes us giving it time!

It may at first seem like you don't have time, because of work, or the kids may have sports they are involved in, but we all can make time! I know even when I did daycare years ago or worked outside the home I learned to redeem my time wisely. I set time aside to seek the Kingdom of God, to talk and worship Jesus! I have seen the returns, let me tell you it is a principal that works, "why" because it says it in the scripture! I never want to discard anything the Lord has directed me to do. We just have to be willing to have our ears open and be willing to do as He directs! 

So what will be some of the returns that will be given to us as we give our time to God? 
Matthew 6:6 -Praying done in  secret  God rewards us !
Romans10:17 -Faith will come as a result of hearing Gods anointed word!
1Peter2:2 -longing for His word will cause us to grow up into salvation!
Psalm 119:105- His word becomes your light to your ways, and directs you where you should go!
Luke10:38-42-Jesus told Martha that Mary's time was not wasted time at his feet!
2Timothy 3:16-God has breathed on His word to teach the body, to bring reproof and lead us in His righteousness!
John 6:50-71- He is the bread of life and when we eat this bread we have life eternal, and I believe that life can start now in Him!
These are just a few scriptures, but you see how it brings us a good return in our lives, and that is why we do need to redeem our time wisely! Always remember how much He love you, and desires to spend time with you, he is a personal God! I thinks sometimes people forget or look at Him that way! This is not meant to put condemnation on anyone its simple meant to remind us all that we need to Seek the Kingdom of God and make it first priority in our lives!

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