Its only in talking about Jesus and believing and knowing what was done for us at the cross will we have the power to overcome! We can't go to our church's Sunday morning and just hear motivational messages with no power released to the believer.We have to testify about Jesus, talk about Jesus crucified, Jesus raised up from the grave, how Jesus defeated the devil and his power over us. When we talk about this we release supernatural power for miracles signs and wonders of Holy Spirit to come. We have to see ourselves as a miracle going somewhere to happen, anytime I need it! If you look Paul had to go into the church and ask them 5 questions in regards to them not keeping this truth in them. Galatians 3:1-5!
They slipped back into thinking they could do things from human effort and legalism! This is an enemy of the church! We loose our ability to overcome and we end up with a Church with no Power! The physical cross in of itself does not have power, a cross around our neck has no power. It's the sacrifice he paid for us, the blood he shed on that cross! Jesus was taking our place because he loved us, becoming a curse for us, so that we are now redeemed from the curse that is operating in the world.
At the cross Jesus provided TOTAL AND COMPLETE PROVISIONS FOR EVERY BELIEVER ! Yes its permanent, its irrevocable, complete, the Lord wiped Satan's power out forever over us! On the basis of the cross and finished work we can overcome everything, our faith just needs to catch up to this. This is why we need to know this revelation and the Power it has for the Church!
In Acts 2 the Holy Spirit came on them all and they all spoke in tongues as the Spirit enabled them. Some were confused and asked questions, others made fun and thought they were drunk!
If you read what did Peter do? He talked "addressed them about Jesus", about the miracles he did, about Him being crucified, about God raising Him from the dead ! Peter was testifying about all this, How Jesus is Lord and Christ ! The result was Power in the Church ! It says the people were cut to the heart, and said what should we do? Peter said "Repent and be Baptized in the name of Jesus for the forgiveness your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise is for you and you children and for all who are far off (that's you and me) for all whom the Lord our God will call".
Those who accepted his message got baptized, about 3 thousand were added to the church ! We must not get away from the truth of the cross and testifying that we are "The Church with Power". It's all about what Jesus has done for us, and we need to have revelation on this and not slip away or be bewitched some other way! 1 John 5:4- for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. Who is it that overcome the world? Only he who believes that Jesus is the SON OF GOD!
Always remember " We are the Church with Power"!
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