Its only in talking about Jesus and believing and knowing what was done for us at the cross will we have the power to overcome! We can't go to our church's Sunday morning and just hear motivational messages with no power released to the believer.We have to testify about Jesus, talk about Jesus crucified, Jesus raised up from the grave, how Jesus defeated the devil and his power over us. When we talk about this we release supernatural power for miracles signs and wonders of Holy Spirit to come. We have to see ourselves as a miracle going somewhere to happen, anytime I need it! If you look Paul had to go into the church and ask them 5 questions in regards to them not keeping this truth in them. Galatians 3:1-5!
They slipped back into thinking they could do things from human effort and legalism! This is an enemy of the church! We loose our ability to overcome and we end up with a Church with no Power! The physical cross in of itself does not have power, a cross around our neck has no power. It's the sacrifice he paid for us, the blood he shed on that cross! Jesus was taking our place because he loved us, becoming a curse for us, so that we are now redeemed from the curse that is operating in the world.
At the cross Jesus provided TOTAL AND COMPLETE PROVISIONS FOR EVERY BELIEVER ! Yes its permanent, its irrevocable, complete, the Lord wiped Satan's power out forever over us! On the basis of the cross and finished work we can overcome everything, our faith just needs to catch up to this. This is why we need to know this revelation and the Power it has for the Church!
In Acts 2 the Holy Spirit came on them all and they all spoke in tongues as the Spirit enabled them. Some were confused and asked questions, others made fun and thought they were drunk!
If you read what did Peter do? He talked "addressed them about Jesus", about the miracles he did, about Him being crucified, about God raising Him from the dead ! Peter was testifying about all this, How Jesus is Lord and Christ ! The result was Power in the Church ! It says the people were cut to the heart, and said what should we do? Peter said "Repent and be Baptized in the name of Jesus for the forgiveness your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise is for you and you children and for all who are far off (that's you and me) for all whom the Lord our God will call".
Those who accepted his message got baptized, about 3 thousand were added to the church ! We must not get away from the truth of the cross and testifying that we are "The Church with Power". It's all about what Jesus has done for us, and we need to have revelation on this and not slip away or be bewitched some other way! 1 John 5:4- for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. Who is it that overcome the world? Only he who believes that Jesus is the SON OF GOD!
Always remember " We are the Church with Power"!
Introduction I enjoy many things in life, decorating, gardening, I love to cook and entertain! I enjoy the company of my wonderful husband who is such a blessing from God. I love to write and share the truths of Gods word, especially when they have impacted my life and change it. I just hope this blog will inspire you to want to know more of His words "the Master" and to dig deeper into knowing Him. The Bible is not just a book, it is a book of life and full of wisdom.
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Thursday, June 19, 2014
Redeeming your time wisely !
A few years back now the Lord ministered these words to me "redeem your time wisely" I knew what they meant I didn't have to ask Him, but it resonated loudly to me. How many know "time" goes so quickly and we all say where does the "time" go. Time is given to us here on this earth with which we go by, and there are only 24 hours in one day, and out of them there is only so much we can get done. So my point in saying this is time spent wisely will give you a good return if you choose wisely! The world will look to the stock market and invest all there money, there energy to resource the best stocks! For some the return has not been that great, in fact some have lost everything and ended their life. This is so sad that a person can get to that point. There time was not redeemed wisely! The bible say's what does it gain a man if he gains the whole world and loose his soul! I believe that can mean even as a born again christian, you can be running around filling your life with other things, and be so miserable in your soul you miss all the good returns GOD has for you !
God says seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be added to you !
God says to give our time seeking His way, and then all things will be given to us! To me that sound's like a great return, all things will be added to me! If you read in the verses before that Jesus is telling us not to worry about your life, what you eat, drink what you will wear. So in this seeking you have to make time to spend with Him in order to find something, There is a treasure that money can't buy, there is a peace that no drug can give you. There are answers that you can get when faced with situations that you feel hard pressed with! But you have to make time and seek! We are saved by Grace through Faith and there is nothing we can do to earn it. God has given us His word and that is our manual for this life and we have to find out what's in there for us, but that takes us giving it time!
It may at first seem like you don't have time, because of work, or the kids may have sports they are involved in, but we all can make time! I know even when I did daycare years ago or worked outside the home I learned to redeem my time wisely. I set time aside to seek the Kingdom of God, to talk and worship Jesus! I have seen the returns, let me tell you it is a principal that works, "why" because it says it in the scripture! I never want to discard anything the Lord has directed me to do. We just have to be willing to have our ears open and be willing to do as He directs!
So what will be some of the returns that will be given to us as we give our time to God?
Matthew 6:6 -Praying done in secret God rewards us !
Romans10:17 -Faith will come as a result of hearing Gods anointed word!
1Peter2:2 -longing for His word will cause us to grow up into salvation!
Psalm 119:105- His word becomes your light to your ways, and directs you where you should go!
Luke10:38-42-Jesus told Martha that Mary's time was not wasted time at his feet!
2Timothy 3:16-God has breathed on His word to teach the body, to bring reproof and lead us in His righteousness!
John 6:50-71- He is the bread of life and when we eat this bread we have life eternal, and I believe that life can start now in Him!
These are just a few scriptures, but you see how it brings us a good return in our lives, and that is why we do need to redeem our time wisely! Always remember how much He love you, and desires to spend time with you, he is a personal God! I thinks sometimes people forget or look at Him that way! This is not meant to put condemnation on anyone its simple meant to remind us all that we need to Seek the Kingdom of God and make it first priority in our lives!
Friday, June 13, 2014
Do you endure life or enjoy life?
For many it is just enduring life and not really enjoying it! I have come across many born again Christian's over the year's that just endure and are not enjoying life in their soul.
A prosperous soul is a man or woman of God that is in tune with the purpose and plans of God, and always recognizes that God is your provider! In order to get to this place in your soul you have to let the word become first place. PSALM 103 -Praise the Lord O my soul and all my inmost being praise his holy name , Praise the Lord O my soul and forget not all his benefits!
Even David knew that it was all about the Lord, he rehearsed this through praise and telling his soul what to do! The word of God can minister to our soul and renews our minds to function in peace and revelation! Our soul needs rest and the only way is revelation of who we are and what is made available in Jesus !
Hebrews 4:12- For the word of God is living and active, Sharper than any double-edge sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitude of the heart.
If we let our emotions take control we can end up just enduring life and not living out of His Presence! Our emotions are a gift and are so wonderful because it allows us to experience and feel His Presence! So we have to train our soul, switch over to God's word and adjust our thinking.
The Word can remind you in your soul of who you are, our memory and reason and imagination are all in our soul man. If its not renewed to God's word your soul can take you out of the fight, it can make you lay down and take the whipping! James 1:22- Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. So we have to put the word in, and be doing the word for us to have a prosperous soul.Then out of that can come reasons to praise Him when faced with challenges in life. We rehearse all the victory's we have had, the memory's of past victory's that He brought us through, and that the word works!
Words of the Master, Matthew 11:28 Then Jesus said "Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls, For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.
There is so much He is offering us right in that scripture! He is our companion when we go in His direction and do His will , He gives us strength! Our struggle is not with God, our fight of faith is not with God! It's with our circumstances, if we get ourselves in line with the word our faith will change the circumstances. Then our spirit soul and body prosper!
In the book of John 5 the Healing at the Pool, Jesus came across a great number of people at this pool. They were disabled in life, the blind the lame, the paralyzed. This applies to our generation today. This one man Jesus came across was lying there for along time who was an invalid for thirty eight years. It always stuck with me why did Jesus ask him " DO YOU WANT TO GET WELL"?
We can say that to ourselves or to others do you want to be well and prosper in your soul just like 1 John says we can! Jesus said to that man " GET UP! PICK UP YOUR MAT AND WALK.
If you read further on in that chapter later Jesus found that man, this man had no idea who Jesus was because Jesus slipped away, but why did he come again to this man?
Jesus said to him "You look wonderful! You're well ! Don't return to a sinning life or something worse might happen".
I believe our soul if not renewed to the word will take you back into a life like this man at the pool paralyzed and lame limping about through life not knowing who you are! It can cause you to return into a life of sin like that man. Jesus always said things for a reason! So we must prosper in our soul as well, and have spirit soul and body to be whole! True prosperity is an inward attitude before it is a gathering of outward things! Then we can pick up our mat and walk in faith!
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Who is in your boat when the storm come's?
Jesus never said that their would never be any storm's in our life, he never promised that we would be problem free ! He did say in John 16:33 " I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart ! I have overcome the world.
Do we trust that Jesus is in the storm with us when it comes or do we panic and cry out where are you Jesus? Luke 8 Jesus said to his disciples "LET'S GO OVER TO THE OTHER SIDE OF THE LAKE"!
The disciples had no clue what was going to happen that day! They set out to go to the other side of that lake! It may of been a long sail, so Jesus decided to have a sleep.
The bible says a squall came down on the lake and the boat was being swamped, and they were in great danger! Jesus was sleeping through all of this! The disciples had to go and wake him up! "Master , Master, we're going to drown ! They obviously didn't really know who was in that boat with them, they "panicked " on that day! The first thing Jesus did was rebuked the storm, and it was calm. Then He said
"Where is your Faith" I believe He expected them to deal with that storm, all the teaching they had heard was now going to be put to work!
So we need FAITH IN THE STORM ! We need to look at that storms in life and speak to it. Jesus would not of asked them in that boat that day if he didn't think his disciples could handle it. Think about that why would he say that to them" where is your faith "? They had been traveling with Him for awhile now, they saw miracles, and listened to Jesus teach ! I think this was a test to see how they would handle themselves, how they would react!
If you look in the same chapter Jesus was teaching about the Parable of the Sower. It says the 12 were with Him. Their were all kinds of miracles, people got delivered from evil spirits, so they got to see with there eye's the power manifested, but did they HEAR! Jesus taught on the parable of the" sower" painting a picture of how the word works and grows ! Jesus at one point said with a loud voice" He who has ears to hear, let him hear "
There was a reason after teaching all of this he called out ! He wanted them all to get what he was saying and that they would be prepared for the storms that were coming! We need to HEAR WITH OUR SPIRIT EAR'S! We need to have Faith that Jesus never leaves us or forsakes us in the storms.
We need to incline our "EAR TO LISTEN" not just hearing, BUT its hearing with then intent to learn, with the intent to apply it to my life! Jesus said it so its got to be important !
So when the storms in life are there, never forget Jesus is there! We need to have FAITH , FAITH BELIEVES, FAITH SPEAKS, FAITH TAKES!
Do we trust that Jesus is in the storm with us when it comes or do we panic and cry out where are you Jesus? Luke 8 Jesus said to his disciples "LET'S GO OVER TO THE OTHER SIDE OF THE LAKE"!
The disciples had no clue what was going to happen that day! They set out to go to the other side of that lake! It may of been a long sail, so Jesus decided to have a sleep.
The bible says a squall came down on the lake and the boat was being swamped, and they were in great danger! Jesus was sleeping through all of this! The disciples had to go and wake him up! "Master , Master, we're going to drown ! They obviously didn't really know who was in that boat with them, they "panicked " on that day! The first thing Jesus did was rebuked the storm, and it was calm. Then He said
"Where is your Faith" I believe He expected them to deal with that storm, all the teaching they had heard was now going to be put to work!
So we need FAITH IN THE STORM ! We need to look at that storms in life and speak to it. Jesus would not of asked them in that boat that day if he didn't think his disciples could handle it. Think about that why would he say that to them" where is your faith "? They had been traveling with Him for awhile now, they saw miracles, and listened to Jesus teach ! I think this was a test to see how they would handle themselves, how they would react!
If you look in the same chapter Jesus was teaching about the Parable of the Sower. It says the 12 were with Him. Their were all kinds of miracles, people got delivered from evil spirits, so they got to see with there eye's the power manifested, but did they HEAR! Jesus taught on the parable of the" sower" painting a picture of how the word works and grows ! Jesus at one point said with a loud voice" He who has ears to hear, let him hear "
There was a reason after teaching all of this he called out ! He wanted them all to get what he was saying and that they would be prepared for the storms that were coming! We need to HEAR WITH OUR SPIRIT EAR'S! We need to have Faith that Jesus never leaves us or forsakes us in the storms.
We need to incline our "EAR TO LISTEN" not just hearing, BUT its hearing with then intent to learn, with the intent to apply it to my life! Jesus said it so its got to be important !
So when the storms in life are there, never forget Jesus is there! We need to have FAITH , FAITH BELIEVES, FAITH SPEAKS, FAITH TAKES!
Thursday, June 5, 2014
We Need to Jump In The River !
Many year's ago the Lord gave me a dream, I never have to write them down they just stay with me like I had it yesterday! It was a time in my life where he was rearranging my foundation in Him, straightening out some truths that I needed to know in His WORD. I can look back now and see just how he did it, of course at the time I had no clue, but it's by FAITH we walk !
I have always desired the things of God, always wanted more of Him in my life. I made a decision a long time ago I was, and wanted to be one of those who "jumped in the river"! I didn't need anyone to push me in, or talk me into this river, I wanted it! I love it when I get dreams and when I have woken up, the Lord gives me the meaning of it right away! This dream was 20 years ago, "wow" where the time goes. I have had in the past a fear of deep water, before coming to know the Lord. I would have many dreams of deep water then I would wake up before anything would happen. Then when I got born again they stopped! ,I didn't think to much of it, maybe being a baby christian I didn't relate the two.
This dream I had was so simple sounding, but what an impact when I woke up! I got into a boat with a hatch on the top of the boat like a "submarine" has, this boat had windows all around it on all sides. I climbed into this boat and sat on the seat and was very calm! I folded my hands in my lap. and looked out the window! Then the boat started to go deep, very deep into the water, I had no fear whatsoever! The boat slowly surfaced, when I opened the hatch I came out, there where 2 people on top! I wondered why they were there? When I woke up, I instantly said "WOW, WHAT WAS THAT LORD" ! He spoke to my spirit, not out loud, He said the" WATER IS MY WORD, AND I AM GOING TO TAKE YOU DEEP INTO MY WORD, THE 2 PEOPLE THAT WERE PRESENT IS WHERE FORGIVENESS IS GOING TO HAPPEN !
I knew it was a dream from God, I put it on the self and left it with Him. It started to happen a few years later, I could see it happening, the word was coming alive to me. I was in this river, not ankle deep anymore, but now at this point knee deep. In the book of Ezekiel 4:3 it talks about this go and read it.
I started to see things change in my life, the word was becoming revelation to me, fellowship with the Lord was so sweet, I knew that dream and the meaning of it was truly happening! When we are just ankle deep that can mean we are" just saved and just satisfied ". The knee deep is your prayer life and revelation of His Word are happening. The waist deep is you could still be treading, holding onto a few things you need to let go of!" BUT" now it's a RIVER, a river you could not cross on your own because the WATER HAD RISEN SO DEEP, ENOUGH TO SWIM IN, SWIM IN FAITH, SWIM IN THE SUPERNATURAL !
We can see miracles, provision when we jump in the river, there is no need that God can't meet! Romans 12:3- says we are given a measure of faith, that measure can increase! We can cause that measure to go to another level, don't catch a measure of can't do, can't have, ALL THE PROMISES OF GOD ARE YES AND AMEN ! Their are a number of scriptures on measure, so when we use our FAITH, our measure will change and the anointing will increase and take us deeper into Gods presence! I am still learning of this myself, I can only write what has been made revelation to me and my experience in it. I do know it's real, and if you stay long enough in the word of God and fellowship with Jesus those rivers of living water will start to flow out of your heart! The shallow water is where everything just sits it stagnant, it doesn't move. The deep water is is where you let go and let God. It's fresh, flowing, moving, supernatural, where we loose control, its walking in faith trusting God's got your back. Loosing control is not out of order, its releasing the super on our natural, it's A RED SEA EXPERIENCE ! We cant be half way to experience this, it's going where Jesus walked, everything comes alive we must go deep in this river!
Trust Him lean on him he will direct your steps, drink the new wine of His Spirit! Healing deliverance and Victory are in this river, it never runs dry!
We have to jump in ourselves to the river, no one can push you, or talk you into it we have to want to swim in it with Holy Spirit!
I have always desired the things of God, always wanted more of Him in my life. I made a decision a long time ago I was, and wanted to be one of those who "jumped in the river"! I didn't need anyone to push me in, or talk me into this river, I wanted it! I love it when I get dreams and when I have woken up, the Lord gives me the meaning of it right away! This dream was 20 years ago, "wow" where the time goes. I have had in the past a fear of deep water, before coming to know the Lord. I would have many dreams of deep water then I would wake up before anything would happen. Then when I got born again they stopped! ,I didn't think to much of it, maybe being a baby christian I didn't relate the two.
This dream I had was so simple sounding, but what an impact when I woke up! I got into a boat with a hatch on the top of the boat like a "submarine" has, this boat had windows all around it on all sides. I climbed into this boat and sat on the seat and was very calm! I folded my hands in my lap. and looked out the window! Then the boat started to go deep, very deep into the water, I had no fear whatsoever! The boat slowly surfaced, when I opened the hatch I came out, there where 2 people on top! I wondered why they were there? When I woke up, I instantly said "WOW, WHAT WAS THAT LORD" ! He spoke to my spirit, not out loud, He said the" WATER IS MY WORD, AND I AM GOING TO TAKE YOU DEEP INTO MY WORD, THE 2 PEOPLE THAT WERE PRESENT IS WHERE FORGIVENESS IS GOING TO HAPPEN !
I knew it was a dream from God, I put it on the self and left it with Him. It started to happen a few years later, I could see it happening, the word was coming alive to me. I was in this river, not ankle deep anymore, but now at this point knee deep. In the book of Ezekiel 4:3 it talks about this go and read it.
I started to see things change in my life, the word was becoming revelation to me, fellowship with the Lord was so sweet, I knew that dream and the meaning of it was truly happening! When we are just ankle deep that can mean we are" just saved and just satisfied ". The knee deep is your prayer life and revelation of His Word are happening. The waist deep is you could still be treading, holding onto a few things you need to let go of!" BUT" now it's a RIVER, a river you could not cross on your own because the WATER HAD RISEN SO DEEP, ENOUGH TO SWIM IN, SWIM IN FAITH, SWIM IN THE SUPERNATURAL !
We can see miracles, provision when we jump in the river, there is no need that God can't meet! Romans 12:3- says we are given a measure of faith, that measure can increase! We can cause that measure to go to another level, don't catch a measure of can't do, can't have, ALL THE PROMISES OF GOD ARE YES AND AMEN ! Their are a number of scriptures on measure, so when we use our FAITH, our measure will change and the anointing will increase and take us deeper into Gods presence! I am still learning of this myself, I can only write what has been made revelation to me and my experience in it. I do know it's real, and if you stay long enough in the word of God and fellowship with Jesus those rivers of living water will start to flow out of your heart! The shallow water is where everything just sits it stagnant, it doesn't move. The deep water is is where you let go and let God. It's fresh, flowing, moving, supernatural, where we loose control, its walking in faith trusting God's got your back. Loosing control is not out of order, its releasing the super on our natural, it's A RED SEA EXPERIENCE ! We cant be half way to experience this, it's going where Jesus walked, everything comes alive we must go deep in this river!
Trust Him lean on him he will direct your steps, drink the new wine of His Spirit! Healing deliverance and Victory are in this river, it never runs dry!
We have to jump in ourselves to the river, no one can push you, or talk you into it we have to want to swim in it with Holy Spirit!
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
How would you "serve" if Jesus came for dinner?
Has the thought ever crossed your mind if Jesus came for dinner to your house "how you would serve him"?Would you want to bring out the best dishes, think of all the foods to make that might impress Him ? We could end up missing something so great if we were not careful ! It did happen to Martha, she missed the privilege of serving Jesus at His feet rather than getting BUSY WITH ALL THE PREPARATIONS!
And so it begins with the two sisters in the bible in Luke 10:38, I'm sure we have all heard the story. It doesn't go into great detail but there really is something for us all to get a hold of. I can just see Martha she probably got word that Jesus and the disciples were passing through the Village that day. She made every effort to be sure that they were coming to her home that day! Martha could make dinner party's happen in that Village, this was her thing. Many knew Martha for this, organizing all kinds of activity's in that Village! It could of been a big sale in the market that weekend, she was the lady to get things done! She just loved doing all the preparations, and being so busy it made her feel needed, and gave her self worth!
So you see there is a" real moral " to this story, other wise it would not be in the Gospels! We are all different in our personality's, and that is a good thing. We just have to not let that come before what is really important.
Martha was so gracious to Jesus to open her home to Jesus to begin with, I'm sure here intent was to be the best hostess in the Village that day.
She thought to herself that day," I may need the help of my sister Mary", she could really help me with all the things I have in mind to get prepared for Jesus. I want to make this just perfect, so she asked her sister! When she did Mary said "Oh Martha, you mean Jesus is coming to dinner, WOW I LOVE HIS TEACHING"!
Martha didn't even pick up on that comment that Mary said, she was so focused on the presentation of it all!
When Jesus arrived Martha opened the door to Jesus and welcomed Him in with a cold beverage and some appetizers! She quickly said I will be right back Jesus "I have to go into the kitchen and make sure things are not burning". Mary introduced herself to Jesus and said please come and sit down, I have heard about you now for some time in the Villages and surrounding area's. So Jesus sat down, and Mary quickly found a PLACE AT HIS FEET, LISTENING TO ALL HE SAID!
Martha started calling Mary from the kitchen, Mary come and help me" I need your help"! There was no response, not even "I will in a minute"! So Martha peeked out from around the kitchen, and to her amazement she saw her sister SITTING AT THE FEET OF JESUS! She was so upset, how could she do this to me she thought, I asked her here to HELP ME, and this is how she treats me.
Finally Martha came into the room to voice her concerns, she stood there at first looking at them. She was thinking how do I say this to Jesus to get Him to see my side, all the work and preparations that went into this, Jesus will understand that I am this upset! I was just doing this all for Him! She knew without a "doubt" Jesus would "answer" with the recognition she needed to hear!He would see all the preparations, all the time, I put into this. I lost sleep over this, I am "exhausted"! So she said "Jesus look at Mary don't you care that my sister has left me to do the work myself "
Then she waited for the answer she knew he would give her, to gain more self worth!
"Martha, Martha," the Lord answered " you are worried and upset about many things, but only one things is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her"
It doesn't go into detail from there in the bible what Martha said. I would think that it opened her eyes to see how she was. Jesus saying her name twice would get your attention! Jesus may of taken her face, placed both hands on her cheeks, and said it to her "Lovingly" with his eyes full of love and gentleness, and hopefully Martha "HEARD" AND LISTENED THE WAY MARY DID!
So what is more important in life? Don't allow the cares of this world to get you worried, so busy, and take your focus off Jesus, choose what is better like Mary rather than Martha.!
Both Martha's and Mary's in life can draw closer to our Lord Jesus, deepening their devotion, strengthening there service, doing it with less stress and greater JOY !
Both Martha's and Mary's in life can draw closer to our Lord Jesus, deepening their devotion, strengthening there service, doing it with less stress and greater JOY !
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