Tuesday, May 6, 2014

The Gospels, Acts of Jesus love!

All you have to do is start reading the Gospels and you see all the loving acts of Jesus ! You see him healing all that came to him and believed, if healing didn't happen in certain towns,"he said"  it was because of the  unbelief ! He became a friend to sinners and sat in with the drunks and prostitutes. He taught the fishermen how to catch a boat load of fish when they toiled at it all night. Then offering them a better way to life, to become fishers of men and walk with Him. He fed thousands of people that came to hear him preach, with just a few pieces of fish and a couple of loaves of bread! He cast out demons, raised the dead!

The Gospels are full of Jesus life while on this earth, and His kind and compassionate acts! I was just reading in Luke 7 about this woman who had a shady reputation in town, I'm  sure she was known for all her sleeping around and drinking binges. She must of been a woman of low self esteem, she probably  didn't  want to show her face to much in the day time. One night she heard that Jesus was going to be in the area and that he was invited to dinner at one of the Pharisees home.

She was at her lowest point, I'm sure she was desperate, she needed a change in her life and nothing was going to stop her from going to see this Jesus that she heard so much about! She knew that this Jesus had a reputation for his acts of kindness. She also knew that she wanted to go with a gift, and that he was so worthy of  this expensive  perfume that she brought. How did she get into this dinner party? It was a miracle in itself ! A Pharisees house, this kind of woman showing up, with no invite, but the scripture says she showed up! The scripture doesn't go into to much detail how she got in, but there is obviously a reason she is mentioned!

So there was Jesus, it says reclined at the table, talking and having conversations with others that were invited or just alone with  this Pharisees. This was not the place for this woman to show up uninvited! She could of snuck in and made herself unaware at first, maybe she looked on the outside like she could of been invited to one of these party's. Her clothes could of fooled everyone, designer dress, with shoes that matched, all her gold  jewelry, high end apparel  that she was able to buy because of this lifestyle that was of no reputation.

As she stood at a distance listening to the music, the conversation they were having, she knew she needed to get closer to Jesus! So she moved slowly, just enough   until she stood behind Jesus! She was hearing all the wise and  compassionate words of Jesus! These words became life to her spirit, a spirit that needed life! It was pure love she heard, no words of love had ever touched her this way! All of a sudden it couldn't be stopped, her tears started falling and dripping on his feet, it says she was weeping! I'm sure we can all imagine how her heart was feeling the emotion was unbearable, not caring what people thought how she looked. Her makeup she had on was now all over her face, her eyes were now red and puffy!

She must have fell to her knees, and then the scripture says she started to wipe his feet, trying to dry them because of all of her tears that wet his feet! If that wasn't enough,she poured the perfume, this expensive perfume on his feet. and kissing his feet! This was right in the site of others, by this time I'm sure they all  recognized her at this point and knew what reputation this woman had!

That was enough for this Pharisees to see this at his dinner party, and now knowing who this woman was, a sinner of the worst kind! So out his mouth he spoke this out, "If this man where a prophet , he would know who was touching him and what kind of woman she is! A SINNER ! This man didn't even know who was in his home, called him a prophet, not even knowing who Jesus was! He called him teacher as well, not like others who called him Master!

Jesus at this point heard his comment, and said Simon I have something to tell you! As Jesus does so well he painted a picture of two people owing different amounts of money a debt they couldn't pay. So the person cancelled the debt for both of them. Jesus question to Simon was who will love this man more? And Simon said I suppose the one with the bigger amount owing, Jesus said you have judged correctly!

Jesus then turned towards this woman and started to point out all the things she did, washed his feet with her tears, wiped them with her hair, kissed his feet, poured oil on my feet! Simon you did not even consider any of these things when I entered your home, it  would of been a gesture of hospitality to  offer water to wash ones feet when you went to some ones home.

So Jesus made it public that this woman loved much, and  for that her sins have been forgiven! Jesus I'm sure knew who this woman was the moment she was doing all this to him. He saw her faith,
and how she wanted to be forgiven because of this lifestylee that had stole life from her! He had compassion on her, and allowed her to show how she knew who He was, the Master, the Savior to the world, who could forgive sins! He wanted to make it loud and clear, that she was FORGIVEN !!The others whispering among themselves saying who does he think he is to forgive sins! I'm sure Jesus heard it, but all he said to this women to finish up the evening was, your faith has saved you, now go in peace!

That is truly an act of mercy, love, forgiveness and amazing grace, from Jesus! Jesus is still the same today we can come boldly into his presence and find mercy and grace, and forgiveness because of the cross !! I love reading the Gospels its full of Acts of JESUS LOVE! He can break every chain, chains that bind us, from living a life like this woman,she  wanted so desperately to be free, she was willing to do what she did to receive forgiveness and be free, humble herself at the feet of Jesus!

1 comment:

  1. He takes us the way we are, I love the way you presented this excerpt ,it tells a story and it truly painted a picture of the acceptance of the love of Christ and showed the state many are in ...in this life, Jesus arms are opened to the filthiest of sinners, there is no limit from Him...excellent writing !!
