Thursday, May 22, 2014

Psalm 23 !

 Psalm 23 has been read at countless funerals I'm sure, but "why" not look at it for right  now while you are living, living in Christ! If you look at the this Psalm from the start to finish its got life for the now, not when someones dead. The Lord is my shepherd, he is my good shepherd now as a born again child of God, I shall not want. That's right, I wont be in want, "why" He is the God who supplies all my needs, so there is no lack!

He makes me lie down in green pastures, what an  awesome God, I wont be lying down in a bed of weeds! He is going to lead me beside quiet waters, He restores my soul. He is not going to take me down the path of storms and calamities in life. He has provided a way for our soul to prosper in Him, for our thinking to be right because of the word!

He guides me in the paths of righteousness, for his name sake. Its the name of JESUS AND THE BLOOD, that we have right standing and are able to walk in His righteousness and increase because of Him, and what he did at the cross!

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,while on this earth, I won't have to run from anything!  I will fear no evil, seeing death and trouble in the news and media, I won't fear. He has conquered death, and it's sting has no victory over me. I FEAR NOT, His rod and staff they comfort me. I have his word in my heart and Holy Spirit living on the inside of me, my comforter and counselor and He will  never, no never, not ever leave me !

You prepare a table before me right now in the presence of my enemies, not later in heaven ,RIGHT now I can walk, with  no weapon formed against me, I will  prosper. He did that at the cross and defeated every sickness disease and lack, or any problem that would try to come against me. We can eat from that table, with the authority given to us in the name of JESUS! We can enjoy all the benefits right in front of those  enemy's of sickness, disease, lack, peace, wrong mind sets like depression, that try's to come against us.

You anoint my head with oil: my cup overflows, Jesus will revive my renewed  mind with the word of God when things get tough, He will  cause me to rise up in Him, with that anointing I can rise up and fight from a posture of VICTORY! He fills my cup up, then it starts to overflow, until it's running over, then I have to start giving it out, Praise God ! Press down shaken together running over!

Surely goodness and love will follow Me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever. His LOVE AND GOODNESS are in me now, as a christian He said he would never leave or forsake me, and I will and have eternal life now, JOHN 3 16: For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have ETERNAL LIFE! 

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