Thursday, May 29, 2014

I was blind but now I see !

As a born again child of God has their been  times in your life that you didn't see or understand something in the scripture? It just wasn't coming together for you in areas of your life, you just went through life "BLIND". Then all of a sudden you were  no longer begging for answers to God, the pieces started to fit, the puzzle was fitting. I have had times like that in my life,  thank God the light came !

This man I was reading about in John 9 was a blind man, literally blind he couldn't see. Is there a difference to a certain degree really with some who can see? Many go through life like they are blind and limp about without really seeing what God has for them. I want to talk about this" blind man"  in John, he started out blind from birth. He didn't know his life would change that day, and who would cause this change for him. Jesus is the light of the world and when you come in contact with him, you are no longer in darkness like this blind man!

Some times Jesus did things in the bible that would make no sense in the natural, but its best to do as this man,  "don't ask", just be obedient and do as the Master say"s! Jesus spit on the ground and made some mud with his saliva, and put it on the man's eye's, when Jesus said "GO" "wash in the Pool of Si loam" that man did exactly as Jesus said. He was no longer blind !  Psalm107: HE SENT FORTH HIS WORD AND HEALED THEM; HE RESCUED THEM FROM THE GRAVE ! 

This man had a choice to do as Jesus said! He didn't know anything about who Jesus was, he could of been some crazy man. The pieces in this mans life were not coming together, he didn't have answers as to why he was the way he was. He was a beggar in life, until it all changed for him. This man went from "begging to declaring" what happened to him! All the other's saw him and were wondering if he was the same man. They said it can't be, but he INSISTED it was !
 When Jesus touched him, it caused the pieces of his life to come together! While others were trying to speak against this miracle he just kept declaring what happened to him. He started out saying "THIS MAN THAT YOU CALL JESUS" put some mud on my eyes, and told me go and wash, so I went and now I see !

Their was so much talk about this miracle in the town, other's were  trying slander this great miracle Jesus had done. Not letting up again, they asked the man "What have you to say about him"! This man still not sure who JESUS was and said "HE IS A PROPHET ". This man was not going to let them steal what Jesus had done for him, at this point he was getting really iterated from all their questions. He still wasn't sure of who JESUS was but said WHETHER HE IS A SINNER OR NOT, I DON'T KNOW. I WAS BLIND BUT NOW I SEE!

He didn't even know it but he became a preacher in that town,declaring and backing Jesus works! He said God must of heard him, other wise I would not be healed! He was giving Jesus credit were credit was due, not caring of the consequences to be thrown out ! That's what they did, they  threw him out of the synagogue for saying these things.

The puzzle was going to come together completely for this man, Jesus wasn't threw with him yet! Jesus heard and found this man he knew his heart and that he wanted answers to life. So Jesus approached him and said

This man was now going to know him not as just a man who put mud on my eyes, or a sinner, or a prophet, or a godly man, but as THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD! He humbled himself before Jesus and said WHO IS THIS SON OF MAN, TELL ME SO I WILL BELIEVE IN HIM!

The man said Lord I believe, and he went and worshiped Jesus.

This mans life changed forever, he had the pieces come together for him, He was blind but said now I  See! If we want answers they are there for us just as this man, he did as Jesus asked as silly as it may of seemed. He was washed in the living word and came out of the grave. Jesus said himself in that scripture he came that the blind would see, and those who can see will become blind, "why" our pride can hold us back and we won;t have the answers Jesus wants to freely give us! HE LOVES US !

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Meditating the Word !

The Lord delights in each one of us to succeed in life, we can make it hard on ourselves when we try to do it our way. In Jeremiah 17:7- Blessed is the man who trust in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. He does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green, It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit. 

So there is a right way and a wrong way to succeed as a born again child of God. All the answers we need are in the word of God, its whether we want to search them out. Of course its what you do with them when you find them that's important. What makes that tree to have its roots sent out by the streams? We first have to trust in God, putting all our confidence in Him. The only way to get trust in God is to find out and  meditate, and  do what the word says! Joshua 1:8 -This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you should meditate it day and night, that you may observe and do according to all that is written in it. For then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall deal wisely and have good success.

We choose life by choosing His words! It's when we take the time to meditate them day and night! It may be a drastic change to some of us, but look what God said would happen, prosperous in our way, we can deal wisely  with the affairs of life much better! That is not emptying your mind and being mindless like zombies, its simply taking his words and speaking them, roll them over in our thinking, saying it out loud, chewing on it long enough for it to become revelation! 

There is such power in that truth but not every one is willing to do it. God has not changed his mind on that principal at all! It is possible to  develop in this area , other wise God would not of given us that principal. When we worry about something, that's just meditating on the negative, same thing but wrong principal.  

So there is a purpose in doing it that way, and the results are success. I can look at times when I did it that way and I truly did have success in the area I needed! Once you take the time to meditate his word and pray about the area you need direction in, God can direct you in the way you should go and what to do. That's when we can see the miracles we want for other's, for ourselves. We can't just read our chapter, and say oh I did my duty now, or confess until we are so worn out with no results. We have to let God breathe life, revelation life on those words to us. Revelation will bring transformation to us. The word can just be information if we don't take time to meditate and give Holy Spirit time to breathe life on them.

Its letting the word confess to us who Jesus is, Paul was specific in Ephesians 1:17- I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. Its knowing him, its in Him that we receive our miracle our direction  when we pray and need answers. Its in knowing him that when he's directed you to do something your senses wont talk you out it, REVELATION AND FAITH MEET AT THE SAME PLACE, THE MIRACLE HAPPENS! 

We can't have a Spirit life relationship based on our natural understanding, we will always be questioning our Father when we need answers! 

So we have to go beyond just confessing the word, we have to go beyond just listening to our sermon on Sunday's and looking to other's to feed us. That is part of it, but it doesn't stop their! Its putting these scripture's in action! We can't do the WORD BEFORE THE WORD TALKS TO YOU ! That takes meditation and chewing on the word, thinking on it. The Lord is not saying we can't think on other things, of course we can. The thing you are thinking on ask yourself is it pure, lovely uplifting me, bringing me joy? The bible says's whatever things are pure and lovely think on these things. Start to focus on all the good things the Lord has done for you and become that tree whose roots are sent forth to streams. Those streams can become avenues to other areas in your life for you, for others. It starts to be living waters flowing from you, from your inner most being that your test will become a testimony! God has the answers you need for every solution you are looking for! SEE JESUS IN THE WORD, personally, just for you, meditate and let Him breathe life and get God results!! He loves you !

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Psalm 23 !

 Psalm 23 has been read at countless funerals I'm sure, but "why" not look at it for right  now while you are living, living in Christ! If you look at the this Psalm from the start to finish its got life for the now, not when someones dead. The Lord is my shepherd, he is my good shepherd now as a born again child of God, I shall not want. That's right, I wont be in want, "why" He is the God who supplies all my needs, so there is no lack!

He makes me lie down in green pastures, what an  awesome God, I wont be lying down in a bed of weeds! He is going to lead me beside quiet waters, He restores my soul. He is not going to take me down the path of storms and calamities in life. He has provided a way for our soul to prosper in Him, for our thinking to be right because of the word!

He guides me in the paths of righteousness, for his name sake. Its the name of JESUS AND THE BLOOD, that we have right standing and are able to walk in His righteousness and increase because of Him, and what he did at the cross!

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,while on this earth, I won't have to run from anything!  I will fear no evil, seeing death and trouble in the news and media, I won't fear. He has conquered death, and it's sting has no victory over me. I FEAR NOT, His rod and staff they comfort me. I have his word in my heart and Holy Spirit living on the inside of me, my comforter and counselor and He will  never, no never, not ever leave me !

You prepare a table before me right now in the presence of my enemies, not later in heaven ,RIGHT now I can walk, with  no weapon formed against me, I will  prosper. He did that at the cross and defeated every sickness disease and lack, or any problem that would try to come against me. We can eat from that table, with the authority given to us in the name of JESUS! We can enjoy all the benefits right in front of those  enemy's of sickness, disease, lack, peace, wrong mind sets like depression, that try's to come against us.

You anoint my head with oil: my cup overflows, Jesus will revive my renewed  mind with the word of God when things get tough, He will  cause me to rise up in Him, with that anointing I can rise up and fight from a posture of VICTORY! He fills my cup up, then it starts to overflow, until it's running over, then I have to start giving it out, Praise God ! Press down shaken together running over!

Surely goodness and love will follow Me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever. His LOVE AND GOODNESS are in me now, as a christian He said he would never leave or forsake me, and I will and have eternal life now, JOHN 3 16: For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have ETERNAL LIFE! 

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Don't let opportunities pass you by!

We have all had opportunities to be a blessing to someone in life, it's whether we have taken them. I know I can look back over the years that God has prompted me to give to a certain person,  I reasoned myself right out of being a blessing to that person. I am not in condemnation over it,just move on. I want to learn to walk in a greater degree of taking those opportunities for the next time. It's not always about giving someone money, it could be your time, it could be just listening or helping them do something.The point I am trying to make is when  God is prompting you to do something, it is important thing to not let opportunities  pass you by!  When Jesus is LORD of your life, not just SAVIOR,  you want to be obedient,so you are sensitive to do as he leads you. It's not about just doing as we please,we have to be stretched in area's to grow! Its doing things, or staying in places that other wise we would of walked away from, but now letting God do the work to have greater opportunities in someones life !

I can look back at certain times when I walked away from a job, a church, a friendship, why because it rubbed me the wrong way. I didn't like what it was doing to me,(self ) not even considering to ask God what do you want me to do in this "situation". I have not arrived in this area, but I have certainly grown, by His Grace and my willingness to change! I want JESUS TO BE LORD in my life ! I do take the time now to ask the Lord, what would you want me to do in this situation!

We should be sensitive to God's prompting for these opportunities, why because you may be the only person close enough where you are to give that person what they need. It may be now not later, later maybe to late. It may not always be convenient for us,  most of the time when God prompts us to do something it's not ! He does it purposely to us so it stretches us, to use our faith, and walk in love ! OUCH ! It does hurt the flesh lets be honest.

A few years ago when I was working at the grocery store, my manager at the time was a women who had not had the best of life, there was no joy to be seen in her life! .Her approach to mange us girls was really rubbing me the wrong way, she was like a strict school master!  I like working with people, I am very easy person to get along with. I do take orders well . I believe when you work somewhere "respect" your bosses, and even more as a christian you are representing the LORD! I started coming home  shortly after and complaining to my husband,everyday ! I had taken  this job, believing God had directed me to take it.I had 2 interviews and I "asked" him which job should I take, I believe he prompted in my spirit to take the one at the grocery store. I soon forgot this when I started to get rubbed the wrong way and it wasn't convenient for my flesh.

In the book of Philippians 4:11 Paul said he learned to be content in every situation in life, with plenty or in need, now that is what ever area you are in in life. We all have had times like that, and we have to trust the Lord in every way ! Paul said " I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHICH STRENGTHEN ME.

I was really considering to quit, I liked the nature of the job, I liked the girls I worked with, just not my manager! I did take it to the Lord, and I felt Holy Spirit tell me to stay and LOVE her! I knew at this point in my walk I could not let this opportunity pass. When you know it's a direct prompting from God you can't walk away from it that easy. Its what's on the other side of that opportunity that can really be blessing to you and most of all to that person. I didn't really like the answer, I knew at this point in my walk with the Lord the Love walk was an important part , Love is the battery to every principal that we try to operate, it will challenge your character !

I did stay, I loved her, with the love of the Lord! I was taking the opportunity, and I did see the fruit of it, "big time". I was there almost 5 years, and through the years her and I became friends, not on the phone going out friends, but friends at work. She knew I was a christian and my belief in Jesus, I got to share with her, pray with her on occasion's. I brought her to a full gospel meeting that my husband was involved with at the time, I  brought her to a special meeting at church. I drove her home on occasions. I remember this one time at work when no one was around I prayed with her, and I will never forgot what she said to me. She "said I was such a good friend to her and how she really appreciated me". I did at this point have a true love in my heart for her, it was the love of the Lord. I believe the moment I said yes to the Lord I will take this opportunity to love her and show her Christ in me, His amazing Grace showed me how to love her. I was the only person at that time to give her what she needed, only God knows the sadness in her heart she felt, and how she needed a friend, a friend at work!. She was not  close to any one person at work, I did pick that up with her, but the Lord had a different plan and I am so thankful I didn't pass it up, it taught me as well a big lesson in love !

The important thing is if left up to us it would be never the right time to give to a person, we would start to think I have this bill payment coming up, I am short this month I cant swing that, I just can't see myself even talking and spending time with that person.  I cant stay at this job, or this church its just not going the way I planned. Jesus said offenses would come, opportunities for offense come with different personalities!I know I have many opportunities to be offended, I am learning  not to take the opportunity to be offended, but to be the opportunity to be a blessing to someone ! It always turns out better for everyone! Jesus is looking to change us, rather than remove us from tight places, Jesus never promised it  would always be comfortable! It is possible to do this when he is Lord of our life!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Always fight from a position of VICTORY!

The bible says's to fight the good fight of faith! 1 Timothy 6:12- Fight the good fight for the true faith. Hold tightly to the eternal life to which God has called you, which you have confessed so well before many witnesses. So why fight if Jesus has already paid for everything on the cross and its a finished work? There is a thief out there who has come to steal, kill and destroy! Jesus came to give us life and life more abundantly now and equip us to fight the good fight of faith in Him!

We are still in a world where things have not been made perfect, expect for our spirit being born again and made perfect we are still in our earthly suits and are contending at times to  walk this walk of faith. Thank God that he has equipped us with Holy Spirit, and he leads us and guides us into all truth. There might be  some detours along the way, as we are learning at first and getting the word into us, but a good solider will always know his opponent, and know where to attack! The Bible is our manual to get instructions on how to know what to do and live here now in Victory!

In the book of James 1:2 - We are to consider it pure joy when faced with trials of many kinds,because the testing of our faith develops perseverance!  "Why" is it developing perseverance? So once that's finished you become mature and complete , not lacking anything! It also say's  we can ask for |"wisdom" from above, but when you ask don't doubt! God want's us to ask him and he will give it generously to us! God gives us keys to walk this walk of faith and fight the good fight of faith! God's purpose is not just to cause us to survive, but to educate us and equip us for spiritual battle! He want's us to  know that we are victorious, and have authority as a born again child of God! It says to fight for the true faith, is there a false faith? Yes I believe there can be if you don't know what is in that book called the bible,  you can have what appears to be truth in some areas, and not be ready to fight the faith in "TRUTH"

Jesus faced his wilderness experience with fighting the good fight of faith! In the book Matthew 4 it says that Jesus was led by the spirit into the desert, and he was tested there. He was prepared for the good fight of faith with speaking the word, knowing what to say, and how to handle everything that the devil tried to take advantage of. It says he had fasted 40 days and nights, and he was hungry the word says. He did not let that distract him from the Victory and his purpose!

When you know your opponent you will know how to focus, what to do, what to say, you will see the spoils of the war, not focusing on the war itself ! The battle is the Lord's!  Jesus has already defeated the devil and his lies! When faced with trails, know that its  simply meeting opposition on the road to a miracle! Things we are contending with always produce  the birth of a miracle when we trust God and fight the good fight of faith with the word!

The only reason men fail is they loose focus in a battle! If you read about Jesus in Matthew, he came out of the dessert and that test,  and he started preaching about the "Kingdom of Heaven is near" he stayed focus on his purpose for coming to the earth. He didn't allow his opponent  to take him out! He started healing and preaching and called his first Disciples after that test, by fighting the good fight of faith with the word !

Losers focus on war itself, but Champions will always focus on the Spoils of War!

If we say what Jesus would say, and do what Jesus would do, we will start to be more aware of being spirit led like he was in the bible! He was our example to live this life while on this earth. We can shorten our struggle in this good fight of faith when we use the "keys" he has given us! God's word is an indispensable weapon (key) in the same way prayer is essential (key) in our fight of faith. Truth, righteousness, peace, faith,  and salvation are more than just words. We have to learn how to apply them throughout our life, so taking all that the word says we are, and what is our's NOW! We fight this good fight of faith knowing Jesus already has paid the price and the victory is ours, we just have to "believe" and walk with His amazing grace to do it! He never leaves us or forsakes us!

We cant let things or circumstance take us away from this good fight of faith, Jesus stayed focus on his purpose, so what we are willing to walk away from determines what God will bring to you !

The taste of Victory lasts far longer than the memory of your struggle ! Always remember He love's you and died for you to have Victory now!!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

The Gospels, Acts of Jesus love!

All you have to do is start reading the Gospels and you see all the loving acts of Jesus ! You see him healing all that came to him and believed, if healing didn't happen in certain towns,"he said"  it was because of the  unbelief ! He became a friend to sinners and sat in with the drunks and prostitutes. He taught the fishermen how to catch a boat load of fish when they toiled at it all night. Then offering them a better way to life, to become fishers of men and walk with Him. He fed thousands of people that came to hear him preach, with just a few pieces of fish and a couple of loaves of bread! He cast out demons, raised the dead!

The Gospels are full of Jesus life while on this earth, and His kind and compassionate acts! I was just reading in Luke 7 about this woman who had a shady reputation in town, I'm  sure she was known for all her sleeping around and drinking binges. She must of been a woman of low self esteem, she probably  didn't  want to show her face to much in the day time. One night she heard that Jesus was going to be in the area and that he was invited to dinner at one of the Pharisees home.

She was at her lowest point, I'm sure she was desperate, she needed a change in her life and nothing was going to stop her from going to see this Jesus that she heard so much about! She knew that this Jesus had a reputation for his acts of kindness. She also knew that she wanted to go with a gift, and that he was so worthy of  this expensive  perfume that she brought. How did she get into this dinner party? It was a miracle in itself ! A Pharisees house, this kind of woman showing up, with no invite, but the scripture says she showed up! The scripture doesn't go into to much detail how she got in, but there is obviously a reason she is mentioned!

So there was Jesus, it says reclined at the table, talking and having conversations with others that were invited or just alone with  this Pharisees. This was not the place for this woman to show up uninvited! She could of snuck in and made herself unaware at first, maybe she looked on the outside like she could of been invited to one of these party's. Her clothes could of fooled everyone, designer dress, with shoes that matched, all her gold  jewelry, high end apparel  that she was able to buy because of this lifestyle that was of no reputation.

As she stood at a distance listening to the music, the conversation they were having, she knew she needed to get closer to Jesus! So she moved slowly, just enough   until she stood behind Jesus! She was hearing all the wise and  compassionate words of Jesus! These words became life to her spirit, a spirit that needed life! It was pure love she heard, no words of love had ever touched her this way! All of a sudden it couldn't be stopped, her tears started falling and dripping on his feet, it says she was weeping! I'm sure we can all imagine how her heart was feeling the emotion was unbearable, not caring what people thought how she looked. Her makeup she had on was now all over her face, her eyes were now red and puffy!

She must have fell to her knees, and then the scripture says she started to wipe his feet, trying to dry them because of all of her tears that wet his feet! If that wasn't enough,she poured the perfume, this expensive perfume on his feet. and kissing his feet! This was right in the site of others, by this time I'm sure they all  recognized her at this point and knew what reputation this woman had!

That was enough for this Pharisees to see this at his dinner party, and now knowing who this woman was, a sinner of the worst kind! So out his mouth he spoke this out, "If this man where a prophet , he would know who was touching him and what kind of woman she is! A SINNER ! This man didn't even know who was in his home, called him a prophet, not even knowing who Jesus was! He called him teacher as well, not like others who called him Master!

Jesus at this point heard his comment, and said Simon I have something to tell you! As Jesus does so well he painted a picture of two people owing different amounts of money a debt they couldn't pay. So the person cancelled the debt for both of them. Jesus question to Simon was who will love this man more? And Simon said I suppose the one with the bigger amount owing, Jesus said you have judged correctly!

Jesus then turned towards this woman and started to point out all the things she did, washed his feet with her tears, wiped them with her hair, kissed his feet, poured oil on my feet! Simon you did not even consider any of these things when I entered your home, it  would of been a gesture of hospitality to  offer water to wash ones feet when you went to some ones home.

So Jesus made it public that this woman loved much, and  for that her sins have been forgiven! Jesus I'm sure knew who this woman was the moment she was doing all this to him. He saw her faith,
and how she wanted to be forgiven because of this lifestylee that had stole life from her! He had compassion on her, and allowed her to show how she knew who He was, the Master, the Savior to the world, who could forgive sins! He wanted to make it loud and clear, that she was FORGIVEN !!The others whispering among themselves saying who does he think he is to forgive sins! I'm sure Jesus heard it, but all he said to this women to finish up the evening was, your faith has saved you, now go in peace!

That is truly an act of mercy, love, forgiveness and amazing grace, from Jesus! Jesus is still the same today we can come boldly into his presence and find mercy and grace, and forgiveness because of the cross !! I love reading the Gospels its full of Acts of JESUS LOVE! He can break every chain, chains that bind us, from living a life like this woman,she  wanted so desperately to be free, she was willing to do what she did to receive forgiveness and be free, humble herself at the feet of Jesus!

Friday, May 2, 2014

We All Have dreams !

Everyone of us has desires, dreams, inside of us! We may not always voice them to everyone, but God sees them. I believe he even puts some of them there. We all have had different starts to life, some may of had more encouragement to pursue things in life or others may not of had any encouragement from others that provoked you to even consider them. That may of left you comparing yourself to others and feeling like you were not smart, or even important! So you went through life just coasting and not tapping into those desires, until one day God started bringing them to the surface and reminding you they were there.

They may be just small things right now, but they are "important" to you, sometimes we tend to look at dreams and desires the way the world has put them out there, with all the glam and money! I'm not saying that can't happen, you have to start believing and its a good place to start, to get you to bigger ones!

This scripture in the book of  Romans 4:17- The God who gives life to the dead and calls things that are not as though they were. Right there this scripture tells me, if you think those desires or dreams are buried or dead, think again, God can bring them to life!

You just have to start seeing it, picture it, its the starting that's important! Its important to take the time to spend time with God and pray into them.It starts with "saying" what you see and release your faith in those area's!  God wants so much to give us the desires of our heart, he really cares for you,you just have to see and believe it!

I can testify to this in my own life, I went through a divorce about 16 or so years ago. It was not the way I thought my marriage was going to end up, or my desire, no one person says hey I'm going to get married only to get divorced. It was his choice and his decision, one at the time I was truly heartbroken with! I choose to trust God and with much pain and heartache He brought me to the other side with His Amazing Grace, and I came out, without feeling like a "victim", only God can do that when you trust Him.

I am saying this to  testify how God cares about all of our desires and when we trust Him, desires and dreams to come to life!It was  about four years after my divorce, the  desire started to surface in my heart  that I may consider marriage again !
At the time I heard a teaching, it was about Boaz in the book of Ruth in the bible.The way she described this Boaz and his character, I was so drawn to this person. I said OUT LOUD, Lord God that's what I want, so I added it to my vision list. She spoke and said to write out all your dreams and desires down on paper, and I saw that in scripture as well. So that's exactly what I did, I started writing down all the things in a man I would love to have. We all have our list, one character trait that was really"important", was to love God and  to have a relationship with Him the way I so desired. The other thing that was very important to me was that my son who was about 17 at the time would like him! I am not sure of the time I prayed this to the time it happened, it could of been several months, but it did happen quickly! I had no idea though I just had to trust Him!

I left that in God's hands, and in turn I thanked him and praised Him that He heard that prayer and desire!
I was sitting in church near the back and out of no where I heard in my Spirit, IT WAS NOT A VOICE LIKE WE KNOW. I just wanted to clarify that. It was so loud though in my Spirit with these WORDS, HE'S THE ONE! I turned to my left and right and thought to myself what was that. I knew it was Holy Spirit, I didn't doubt that!

I also knew the person who he meant, it is the man I am married to today! At the time I had seen Geoff at church didn't know who he was or even his name. I didn't look at him in that kind of way, all though he is handsome! I just mean that we think we know what we want when we look at the outside of a person and say oh he's cute I like the way they look, you know what I mean, we all have done it.

The thing is I KNEW IT WAS HIM,  I cant explain it but I knew it was him! I didn't tell anyone at the moment because I had to process this myself, nothing like this ever happened to me before. I did tell my niece  shortly after, she did do a little investigation, like finding out his name. I would be at church and  I started to notice him in a different way, I was finding myself being attracted to him and wanting to talk with him.

 It wasn't until our church picnic that we actually had our longest conversation and from there we went out as friends to get to know each other. I never told him at first what had happened to me how God presented all of this! One night near Christmas we went to an out of town Christmas dinner, at a church he had attended a few years before. While driving he shared how the Pastor there prayed for him and had a word for him!This was the word , that he was like "Boaz" I turned my head so quickly to look at him, and then just looked straight out the window in front of me and didn't say one word! I thought Lord God this is exactly what I asked you in pray. This man "Boaz" was a man who had a heart to see people be the person they could be, and help them get there!

I just kept all these things in my heart at first ,but it  was the Lord that just kept confirming all these things to me that I had written down, and it was blowing me away!
So as time went on we finally shared everything to each other and we knew that God had brought us together. We went out for 2 years, that was me, I'm a procrastinator, we have been married coming up in September 20th 13 years! I have been truly blessed with such a awesome Godly man and he is truly a Boaz, with a heart for people! This is a desire come true, I know my son respects him as well, which I might add was on my list as well!

I believe a  person with no vision or dreams, or desires will return to there past! You may not have what you need in the natural right now, but you are not without the seed to produce it, the Word of God and the promises in this book! SO SEE IT, SAY IT, and TAKE IT ! What you see on the inside becomes bigger than you see on the outside, its only a matter of time before it happens. Trust and and have faith God will bring it to pass !

I want to encourage anyone who reads this, don't let go of those desires only you know about, don't throw them aside because you were hurt or disappointed. I could of chose to give up on marriage,  and said who needs it. I made a choice to trust a good God, and be a mother to my son at the time, and believe God knew the bigger plan. He resurfaced that desire in me to want to get married again, and the way He put it all together to this day still just brings tears to my eyes. Always remember how much He LOVES YOU !!