Friday, July 3, 2015

Who's in Control ?

Have you or do you work hard at something in your life only to come up empty handed, struggling,toiling with frustration? That day that Jesus got onto Simon's boat changed his life! These were fisher men who made their living from catching fish, and Simon came up empty handed with his catch! Jesus took the liberty of just climbing into his boat, and then said put out a little from the shore. Jesus then just sat and taught the people from the boat, I'm sure Simon was hearing it all while he was busy cleaning his nets! I believe Jesus had a motive for Simon that day!  His life was about to change for ever, and he didn't even know it!  INCREASE ALERT on every level !

So the word says that when Jesus finished speaking, he said to Simon " Put out into the deep water, and let down your nets for a catch". Simon called him "Master"  we have worked hard all night and haven't caught one fish! BUT, because you say so I will let down my net! Don't we do the same thing today to Jesus, we want to say to him I've tried it, its not working!

Jesus was their that day to minister to many people, but it was in preparation  for Simon that day. The first request he asked Simon that day was, let out a little from the shore, and then he said now put your nets into the deep. I'm sure Simon had all kinds of thoughts running through his mind like "MASTER YOU ARE NOT A FISHERMAN" and I'm sure Simon was tired in his physical body with working all night, and frustration was trying to take over! We have all been their! But he obviously showed respect, he knew  their was something special about this man Jesus, he had healed his mother in- law in the previous chapter.  BUT when he"sowed" his boat into Jesus ministry that day, he reaped a huge change on every level. Its all about trust and putting  principals in the word of God into motion!

When Simon obeyed Jesus at his request to let down the nets, the miracle happened every fish in that lake came his way, INCREASE, their were so many fish that they had to fill 2 boats full with fish that the boats began to sink! Now that was great for Simon, as far as making his surplus for fish that day, but the greatest thing that happened that day was Simon was changed for ever! He had a revelation of who this man he called Master truly was, LORD, JESUS! Simon left that business of  catching fish and went on to be  called Peter and was a disciple of Jesus!
Luk 5:5  And Simon (Peter) answered, Master, we toiled all night [exhaustingly] and caught nothing [in our nets]. But on the ground of Your word, I will lower the nets [again].

Luk 5:6  And when they had done this, they caught a great number of fish; and as their nets were [at the point of] breaking,

Things have not changed for us today, Jesus still may ask you in your life to let out a little from the shore, and then ask you let out into the deep. That would tell me, LET GO, relinquish it all, cast your net out into the deep where it may seem like your taking a big risk! Its the self can make it happen, toiling hard and seeing no results attitude that has to be thrown out!

Listen our days of trying to make it happen ourselves has to go, We must start believing no matter what we are called to in our lives Jesus, is right their  with us! Simon had the choice to even let him minister in his boat, and then to tell him how to start doing things! He was teachable, he knew something was different about this man Jesus! Today Holy Spirit  lives in our hearts if your born again, he wants Holy Spirit to lead us into all truth, We have the kingdom of God in us, we can take this and demonstrate the kingdom of God in every area of our lives!

We can miss the opportunity for Increase in our lives on every level, the rich young ruler missed it in Luke 18:25- Jesus answer to him was not what he wanted to hear, so that man went away sad and missed an opportunity of a lifetime! We try to bring Jesus down to our thinking what we want to hear, not what he may say, "let out a little from the shore, and now let out into the deep". It all has to do with fear, or loss, its about us being in control and not letting Jesus into our boats to minister the best for us, INCREASE ON EVERY LEVEL!

The word is full of these types of examples but I'm stopping for now here. Always remember he loves you so much!!

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