Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Where Are You?

These words jumped out to me this morning reading Genesis 3:9- The Lord God called to the man "Where are you"? You may have never noticed those words or even given them attention! There is a reason why he asked Adam and Eve that question, and why Adam said I heard you but I was afraid because I was naked, so  I hid!  God said who told you, you were naked ? Interesting dialog between God and Adam, is it any different today? I would say No, God still wants to be a part of our lives and ask you or I " Where are you"? "Our nakedness" can be even today,  a result of us going our own way in life, listening to the lies of the devil, saying just like he did to Adam and Eve. " Did God really say"! What does Satan attack first? Its the word in our lives, he came to steal, kill, destroy, Mark 4 parable of the sower!

They were always having fellowship in The Garden, until they disobeyed God and ate of the tree and there eyes were opened, knowing good and evil! It was then the source of fear began and they wanted to hide from God. I believe God knew where they were,  I see it as God  wanting them to confess, and to show them the result of the one  who had planted these lies in their heads! Its no different when we correct our children and want to show them the right way! They disobeyed a direct command of His, not to eat of this one tree! He was protecting them, from things so far above our knowing. Sometimes we are just to obey and trust Him, knowing he has the perfect plan for us, and when we start testing the waters we can get in deeper than we thought and stay longer than we planned!

I truly love that about God always looking out for us, even right in the beginning, listen to this scripture that shows how he did just that and saved us from living in that state forever! Genesis 3: 22 And the Lord God said " The Man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life, and eat, and LIVE FOREVER, So the Lord God banished him from the Garden of Eden to work the ground from which he had been taken. God did us a favor, taking  Adam out of the Garden, because we would of been bound to live forever in fallen state! God's plan for mankind was not over, His love for us never ends and we see from scripture He sent his one and only Son to pay the price for our sins, to be restored to Him forever!

So if for any reason you have fallen short in any way, don't hide from God and have Him say to you, " Where are You"? Its been taken care of by his SON JESUS, the BLOOD  he shed on that cross was for you and me. We are no longer under the curse of the worlds ways! When we come to Jesus, believe and confess "Jesus as Lord", and walk with him,its then we  can come boldly into His throne room of grace! Hebrews 4:16 - Let us then approach Gods throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.

He loves you!

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