He now has opened the door to show her what true life is, " saying this water I give you, you will never thirst again", It has peeked a curiosity in her to ask him where are you getting it from! Please I want it, so I don't have to go back to my old way of doing things always searching for something to quench this thirst in me. You see, Jesus knew her heart and that she was searching for something deeper in life, she was searching for truth, and she was trying to find it the wrong way. Jesus asked her to go get her husband and come back here.She was honest in saying" I am not with my husband". Jesus said you are right, not only is this man," not your husband", but you have had 5 husbands! He wanted her"to open up to him", and let her see where she was at in life! He didn't say that to condemn her, it was all about giving her true life, a life of freedom. He wanted her to see who HE truly was! That what she was looking for in those 5 husbands, and the one she was with then, didn't satisfy her!
He ministered to her in Grace, not condemnation which caused her to be free! This woman left her old way that day at that well, and she ran with true living water in her. She was free and she went and testified to many other people, and she impacted them. She was free to give to others now, and they could see that she had something different. We can do the same, Jesus came to set the captives free, and to give life to us.
A Free person will infect others, a Free person will impact others the same way this woman did in John 4:7. She got something that day because she let Jesus speak truth into her, she didn't try to justify or hide the fact of what he said. She let the conversation go further, she was thirsty for answers and in the end she could see He was the true Messiah ( Christ) the one they were waiting for. She was free, to impact others! You may be in a place where this woman was, even though it was a very long time ago, people are still dealing with the same issues today. Let Jesus show you the way, let him give you living water to never thirst again and go have an effect the same way this woman did!